green0star wrote:
Meat is not healthy for you at all ... especially if you live in the US. They are induced with many chemicals and antibiotics that create significant inflammation within the body. You don't need meat to get protein. This is the most important thing you will learn all day. You get less nutrients from meat but are required to eat more to get it. From vegetables you get MORE nutrients from eating so little and you can eat all the veggies you want. Beans, nuts(and/or nut butters), tofu, tempeh, and seitan give you just as much protein if not more then meat will ever give you.
While vegetables give more vitamins than meat, they give less proteins. Meat eating is considered be many as a major reason for humans big brains; eating meat gave more energy to our ancestors than only eating fruits and vegetables allowing a bigger more "hungry" brain.
@ocdgirl123: If you don't like red meat then eat white meat instead; it's considered more healthy anyway.
Down with speculators!! !