Lukeda420 wrote:
I've been vegan for about 4 years now.
Before I went full vegan I was a vegetarian for about three months. One of the things that turned me towards veganism was finding out more about rennet. It's an ingredient in cheese that comes from the inside of a calf's stomach lining. It made it hard to consider myself vegetarian knowing that it comes from a dead animal. Soon after I learned that the male calf's from milk cows are sold to make veal. So I said screw it and went full vegan.
I take it you were lacto vegetarian so you weren't consuming eggs either at the time right?
Speaking of veganism the food is GREAT ! ! Yesterday I made my own falafel with chikpeas, spinach, cilantro, and some other seasonings and it came out so amazing ! !
Cintakmarka wrote:
Nice to see others here.
I've been vegetarian for about 3 years, been vegan since May 2015. I was in a program.
The Vegan Living Program. I found it on Meetup. Found it very helpful and now attend,
Karuna Kula gatherings for advice, support others and learn new ways to be peaceful
I also have learned some new plant based living as well.
My mom and I are vegan, we grow almost all of our fruits, veggies, nuts, berries.
Some edible flowers and seeds from sunflowers.
Peace and Love
to all beings!
Om shanti
I learned about veganism from a local vegan fest I attended for the sake of networking and information at the time. I had just become a full time vegatarian at that point so I entertained the idea of becoming vegan in my mind.