If you would be doctor would you give free condom prescrib.

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22 Dec 2016, 9:27 pm

If you would be doctor would you give free condom prescription to kid if he/she ask prescription for free condoms (for the poor or no income) 13 year-old boy?

https://answers.yahoo.com/question/inde ... 956AAMPPyC

The same question to pharmacist do you would sell reimbursed condoms for such boy.

I'm interested in bioethics, in Poland, my country, the doctor may refuse to sell condoms and contraceptives and early morning (ie. Pills day after) and the doctor has the right to refuse to perform abortions (and I agree), even if you were to met our Polish restrictive provisions on abortion citing the so-called "conscience clause" that allows doctors to non-execution of procedures conflicting with their religious beliefs

But returning to subject if 13, 14 years boy would ask you for condoms would you give him, or give pills for girl at the same age?

What if you know the parents of a child or medical secrecy is absolute? For example is crime for adult to have sex with kid under 15 in Poland, But under 15 years old can can have sex with their peers, and basically anyone under 18 i thing it nonsense
According to Polish regulations is only a misdemeanor of indecency, the same as bigamy or drinking vodka in the city park, besides, premarital sex is a sin, especially premarital sex performed by of stupid kids, if they want sex let them jerk-off :) or wait until 18 or better til marriage :)


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27 Dec 2016, 12:58 am

If a plucky shiny vending contraption can indiscriminately prescribe condoms why wouldn't you issue them to an inquisitive being who is considerate enough to inquire as to the availability from someone in an officially obliged capacity, it's a little steep a hill but hey it happens when it happens eh.


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03 Jan 2017, 12:50 pm

No prescription (at least in America) needed and condoms are free… We need people to use them more often.