Thank you, that's encouraging! I too believe it will be OK in the long run, and honestly the thought of several days in a hospital is much worse to me, than sawing bones apart. I'll be sure to keep a hot branding iron ready behind the doctor, so get him/her moving right along in getting me OUT of the hospital. I'm a good rule-follower, and my wife and I are both very well-experienced in things like IV administering, infection control, injections, catheters, and other things which most people don't have a clue about, so I hope to make a special deal as far as how long of a hospital stay is ordered.
If I may ask, did they put a brace or pins inside your chest to secure the sternum back together? And also, how long if at all, were you forbidden from using your pec muscles (any pushing or pulling, etc)? I'm really happy to hear that you didn't have to have any muscle sliced apart. I've had muscle biopsies (voluntary for research of bodybuilders), and those are tiny incisions and they are SORE for a week.