-I can't fully remember when I lost all my baby teeth, but I think it was around nine or ten. Started to slow down with growing at sixteen, finally stopped at eighteen. I have a fast metabolism, and a skinny frame.
-Not completely sure if I have a baby face or not. Sometimes I'm asked for ID, but not always. People either guess fifteen or mid twenties. I'm currently twenty years old. When I smile my cheeks look rounder and I have dimples, so that might give me a younger look perhaps. However, I've noticed that if I straighten my hair I look a bit older. Whereas when I put it into a low ponytail I look like a young teenager.
- I started puberty at ten, that's when I began to get spotty. Experienced my first crush at eleven. Got my first period at fourteen. Back in high school/secondary, I was teased a little bit for being flat-chested. I took me a little longer to develop in that area. So I felt a little self-conscious. I'm still small chested now, but I've gotten more comfortable with that fact. I'd say that I have a slightly boyish body type. My face is feminine, and I do have small shoulders. However, my body is fairly rectangular. Someone recently remarked to me "Your hips definitely don't lie because you don't seem to have any". I'm also lanky. My feet are slightly wide and big but that's not too surprising considering my height (5'8).
Personally, I don't think of myself as an early bloomer, but I was one of the first people in my class to start getting spots. However, I was late to develop in the chest area and also getting my period. I was mostly considered ugly in my teen years, but that was mainly because if I ever dressed up or did my hair I'd get derogatory comments. So, if I didn't make an effort I was called ugly, but if I changed one thing then I was suddenly a whole range of insults. High school. You can't win.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.