KikiKitty678 wrote:
I used to go to the gym all the time before the pandemic. COVID-19 is the only reason I don’t go now.
Aww that's rubbish. It'll be back eventually whenever this bloody thing goes away.
When my gym closed I was devastated, it's back open now but there's so many restrictions I just go at night the past few times.
Eurythmic wrote:
I love smashing out a good upper body workout!
I've been a lifelong long distance runner because it's what I love doing. Unfortunately this left my upper body somewhat under developed.
I'm quite tall and lanky and since COVID I've canned going to the gym and do weights at home instead.
I love the way it makes my upper body feel stronger.
Awesome. Weights will do a lot of good for your body yeah, I have a lot of friends who do long distance running, if you build up a bit of muscle it strengthens you a bit and helps apparently. I can't run though I hate it lol
The thing with running is that it's a high impact exercise so you're more likely to injure your hip or knee, some runners I've seen with hip problems are like always complaining about being in pain it's pretty bad.
Proper gait analysis running trainers are the comfiest shoes ever though - it's like walking on a cloud.
Wolfram87 wrote:
Lunella wrote:
That's pretty awesome - I struggle to do 200 in a day that is absolutely insane I don't know how you even managed that lol. You should get back into it all when Covids mostly done with.
The program lets you get really strong quite quickly. Though I made a bit of a blunder and failed to read the part where it says you shouldn't do the program for more than 2 weeks straight. I did it for 5 weeks straight, and now my elbows make noises that I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be making. Will be getting back into the stronglifts thing, tho.
I guess you can like over-exert yourself a bit but it's worth doing.
I remember when I grew my first muscle on my arms, I was going around to my work colleagues "LOOK I GREW THIS" and everyone laughing
You should get back into it though it only makes you fitter and mentally healthier.
The term Aspergers is no longer officially used in the UK - it is now regarded as High Functioning Autism.