Don't Fear a Workout
Just an encouragement post: if working out seems to 'i dont want to' or 'no-ish' its just hesitancy which can be worse because we have autism or Aspergers. If you're overweight and even if you're not simple workouts like 150 crunches a day can drastically improve your life.
After the first few cumbersome days and you settle, it becomes addicting.
I really mean it. It's fun so if you never worked out before please give it a try but psyche yourself up to it.
My max was 300 sit ups (not crunches) a day and I shed fat. Listening to music helps you workout. Working out can seem hard or dumb at first but it becomes fun like working out the abdomen and testing the limits to your body. And you can add different workouts like little laps and its like a little game with yourself.
Get excited about it and my tip is to work out at one set time and if you're unsure about how many you can do just start from 0 until you can't do any more and make it your staple. Then increase by 25 or 50 every two weeks.
And remember, simple crunches lead to intense and satisfying sit ups with time.
I have to see a specialist for my arm since it's healing from a bad break but once it's healed I'm going to start my workouts again. I dont like pilates or leg lifts but I like laps and crunches and sit ups.
Another tip: set a space aside and make sure its soft. Work outs during the day around twelve is the easiest. I'll post a new topic once my arm heals and I'm back at my target weight.
Also, don't be like 'i'll do it tomorrow' or skip days. This is critical in your morale, or perseverence.
Hi I'm Blacker
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^likes the misfits