Idk about that, but for some people 5 - 6 hours sleep seems to work
I never have had that problem, and i enjoy sleeping
if there's unrest, usually i concentrate on breathing and drift off easily
White or more noise doesn't bother me (music band repetitions is quite calming as well)
When i grew up there was lots of unintermittent industrial noise going on, maybe that's a reason to that!
D. daughter has that too, i can't really relate, be more active at daytime, hmmm, idk its hard too empathize with
people who rather get up after noon, i can't relate, it's weird
Instant sleep, this herb does it: common hop
don't go the processed alimedication way though, find some real dried hops
strange engl wiki*, shift to eg, french or german for medical use
(*how does "a wolf strangle a sheep"? this is lunacy in language)