Trying to lose some fat. BMI (20 year old woman) is 28.5 and body fat is approximately 35%. I'm both overweight and overfat so I need to do some exercise and healthy eating. You see, if you just focus on losing weight, you might lose weight you actually need, like bone or muscle, and that's bad. Then, your body fat could be obese. (I hate umbrella terms, and they put overweight people lumped with the obese people. Imo, obese looks like 36%+ for older teens to younger adults so 16-39 basically, because 30's is still young and for women, 30-35% looks more overfat/overweight, and healthy is usually fitness and acceptable body fat.) people that Some people on a fitness forum gave some good tips, so I plan on doing them. I've bought some meal replacement shakes, but I need to buy some more. Has anybody have any experience with them? I've tried a couple of them: The Atkins Vanilla Shakes and Soylent Mint Chocolate. I plan on getting a box of GNC Meal Replacement Thin Mint and Soylent Mint Chocolate box. I might get Ample's Vanilla Cinnamon and Wonderslim Vanilla afterwards. I also wouldn't mind trying Exante's Lemon Cheesecake or any of the other GNC flavors either. I've also had Walmart's Equate Vanilla brand before, and I like it. My favourite flavors are usually Mint Chocolate and Vanilla. When they're 100-200 calories, I usually eat a medium sized banana, or a medium sized apple, or two small cuties with the drink. If they're 300-700 calories, I usually just drink them by themselves.