ironpony wrote:
I haven't been able to sleep well because I feel like I have too much energy. …But it seems that exercise is actually giving me more energy and making it worse, and the sleep problems have actually increased. I exercise when I get home from work everyday, so it's not too late, but it seems to have made it worse. Is this normal, or abnormal, because exercise should be making me more tired?
What do you think, if anyone knows?
When you say you can’t sleep because you have too much energy, do any of these things resemble your problem?
a-you are too bored and want to stay up doing fun & engaging things?
b-you find yourself laying awake when you get into bed and can’t stop your mind racing?
c-you’re actually full of more energy after a workout & dinner, so you find yourself staying up late doing chores or other productive things?
d-you can get to sleep okay, but you wake up in the middle of the night OR too early in the morning, all ready & itching to do something?
"Engineer type" w/ ADHD (AQ:35-40, SQ:80, EQ:11-18, FQ:24, Aspie Quiz: ND 103/200, NT 100/200)
-Fan of Dr. Russel Barkley lectures (ADHD), "How to ADHD" toolbox tips, AttentionTalkVideo, Therapy in a Nutshell, and Mark Hutten M.A. (Asperger's) channels on You Tube.