Two days ago I had a filling. I have a wonderful dentist who was able to do the work without giving me an anisthetic as my body reacts to the adrenaline or other ingredients in the injections. It is amazing what they can do these days!
Now I was getting shutdowns outside the dentist before I went in due to anxiety, so I was on the floor, so though my dentist and everyone are lovely, after I had my tooth filling done, I did not really want to go back as there was a slightly sharp edge to the tooth. (It looked fine in the mirror, but it was rubbing against my tongue.
Now it did not need much to sort it out so rather then risk getting more shutdowns at a later date I thought "I know. Lets see what I can do just to sort the edge out. This edge was not the side of the tooth that was filled so I did not need to be concerned quite so much that I would disturb the filling itself.
So I set to work. I have the tools for model railway use! I took a small flat needle file that did not have a pointy end (As I did not want to stab myself!) and I filed the sharp edge down a little... Just enough after two or three attempts to be just about right.
Now the edge felt filed so it felt slightly rough on my tongue, so my experience with making my own track came into play. I know with track, that while building it, if I have to file the top surface, I need to polish up the filed area later to give it an almost mirror like finish, and this is done with a rail cleaning rubber, so I used the rail cleaning rubber on my tooth.
I admit that it does not taste very nice, but I soon got the side of the tooth lovely and smooth!
Success! A wrinse out to get rid of the taste of the rail cleaning rubber and all is fine! And it has saved me from having more shutdowns which has to be a good thing!