Laser surgery does not work on fake lenses?

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22 Jan 2023, 12:24 pm

My dad recently had cataract surgery but he still needs to wear glasses for distance even though his close up vision is perfect.

Overall my dad's eyesight is not perfect when he's not wearing glasses. My dad has fake/artifical lenses in his eyes and he did try to book laser surgery recently so he would not have to wear spectacles. However he was told that laser trearment would not do anything to improve his eyesight.

Is there a reason why laser eye surgery does not work on artifical eye lenses?

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22 Jan 2023, 12:34 pm

Yes. Laser surgery reshapes the lens to allow it to focus clearly on the back of the eye. It cannot correct 100% in many cases because the shape of the eyes altered too much from standard.

Some people have laser surgery and still need glasses.

The artificial lenses put in your dad’s eyes were already shaped to optimize focus as if laser surgery were being used on organic lenses.