thus far, i do not have a diagnosis for chronic fatigue syndrome or anything like that.
resting a lot helps me too. however, sometimes have trouble falling or staying asleep. sometimes (not that often) have too many things to do to sleep. but usually, it's just b/c emotionally worrying about something, and can't fall or stay asleep for a couple of hours.
doing fewer activities helps, but sometimes it is necessary to do a lot of activities. grocery costs skyrocketing since coronavirus. for over four years, my sister has been telling me that she wants to sell the house that i live in. when she sells the house, i have to pay rent. my current dumpsterfire "job" is only minimum wage and part time. the past couple of weeks, my job has been cutting hours. sooner or later, i have to get two or more full time minimum wage jobs, just to barely pay for room, board, utilities, and health insurance and public transportation. then, i won't be able to get enough sleep and i will be too emotionally disturbed to sleep anyways.
on days off work, usually, i wake up, breakfast, bowel movement. two hours after waking up, i take a one hour nap. then bowel movement again.
41 years old and only getting worse
on days where i work, usually, on the bus or bart on the way to work (about 9am), that's the most sleepy i get during the day. usually, go to bed 9pm. usually wake up 5am but past couple of months been waking up 3am.