Well I did spent about the first few months of finding my chrono type after quitting my job last year.
And yet my chrono type fluctuates, but it is ranged around late morning at earliest times of the day physically waking up, and actually truly mentally waking up after physically waking up between after lunch time at earliest to past 8pm.
Meaning I can have hours of gap of body awake and mind half asleep.
Conclusion is that I am not meant to have a job that starts at early mornings.
No, I tried 'getting used to it' during my then full time job -- that didn't work.
As for having many decisions...
On top of contending maladaptive daydreaming -- which thankfully it's over.
I still have cravings to do more than I can realistically do, even after years and years of evidence.
I already took account on thinking which counts as gear switching whenever I shift from any tasks or activity, whether or not decision making is involved, whether or not it's even conscious...
On top of any sensory input and digital consumption cravings.
I already did that -- a digital detox.
Instead it made me so relaxed and very un-stressed by understimmulation that I ended up with non-fatigue daytime sleepiness that usually only happens to me during between ovulation and first half of luteal phases.