Hmm.. have known folks with Wilsons disease . Know of Hasimotos....And as I understand periods of. fatigue are a factor ..And know people who had goiters removed off the thyroid.. Have had a "few very competint doctors ."
Inform me about the long term consequences of eating lots of USA style diet food. And due to the Lack of nutrient the body needs to normally fend off disease. People get sick. And starts to manifest as non life threatening diseases in the body .. based on those Doctor opinions. before becoming life threatening .( Quote by Dr Caudill ) Learn to listen to your body) basically do not ignore symptoms .. Best option imho, and experiences find a quality Naturopath ....And then see if you can find one that might specialize in Hashimotos..Just a thought. Natutopaths general attempt to treat the cause of the Health issue. Not just treating symptoms .As most ALL md,s. do in the USA.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
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