last night, 3 dulcolax. (instructions said take 1-3 dulcolax a day).
dinner: one and a half cantonese "zongzi", one frozen banana, one serving hummus,
(27 minute bowel movement)
9:15-5:30 slept fine. woke up feeling like (liquid bowel movement).
breakfast: two servings zongzi, two servings wheat pita, two servings soy milk, 1 serving spinach, half mango
while eating breakfast, felt like (liquid bm)
right after breakfast, (liquid bm).
stretched. (liquid bm)
1 hour nap
(liquid bm)
went for walk (bm 3x in the bushes). some ass hole was loitering in the bushes where i wanted to urinate, so i had to go elsewhere. (rolls eyes)
took the bus to chevron gas station. (liquid bowel movement). thank buddha, neither customer nor employee bothered me. litterbox appeared clean.
safeway. home. lunch. (four pieces black pepper swiss cheese artisan bread, one lentil salad, two servings jalepino, four servings cheddar). while eating, felt (bm full). liquid bm. immediately after finishing eating, (liquid bm).