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28 Feb 2025, 1:12 am

I've being taking lot of vitamin B complex, of course folic acid is essential for girls, now trying to give it to boys.
Question is why doesn't folic acid cross barrier and get absorbed, I have no idea if this repurposed drug works, it's all new ways improve speech.

Suppose Trump is to blame, he gathered with rivals to form doge. Kennedy now making Trump look bad, with measels outbreak and bird flu causing food prices to surge. Trump was always provaccine, it's to accomodate the liberals for financial plan. Now his team is Les incompetence.

Issues in South Africa, well only labelled eggs are good, cheap ones tend to be bad, worst is taste of bad eggs inbetween which classic symptom of Salmonella and ecoli. Ithink it's lack of antibiotics but I haven't spent time really researching. We've had so many outbreaks of bird flu (extinguished chickens) that organic farms have to quarantine their livestock to point where no public access, it's like security grade??? Crazy.
I think same with pasteurised milk that once farm goes large scale it's harder to control.

I do agree that if we could give antibiotics only when vet seems animals have flu, as opposed to feeding this in food to prevent. But it's tricky, watched video on marmots which like rodent rats cause bubonic plague and agree it's worst plague, ever. But hopefully none of us are eating rats, not advisable.


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08 Mar 2025, 11:57 am

When I read the thread title I thought it was about the the Federal Aviation Administration :lol:

I heard of Leucovorin. A couple months ago I started taking Methotrexate for skin eczema & chronic sinus & allergy problems & I read about Leucovorin in my research. I did a tad of research on it & didn't read anything about autism but that's not surprising. When researching autism medications in the past I mostly found stuff about various psych meds which makes sense considering psych meds can treat problematic behaviors with various different causes & all the hype the pharmaceutical companies have been pushing about psych meds for a century.

I'm not taking Leucovorin but I am taking folate supplements & B complex vitamins. I've read about people on Methotrexate experiencing brain fog, lack of energy, depression, & tiredness but the weird thing is I seem to be experiencing paradoxical effects. I'm sleeping less, might be thinking more clearly, have more energy, & feel a bit better mentally(despite my negative & bitter posting on here sometimes, I vent & then feel better). It feels like like a few days after I get a corticosteroid shot or start taking corticosteroid pills except these feelings last. Whereas after a couple weeks corticosteroids quit giving me those effects even if I'm still taking the pills. I've been taking folate & a B complex supplement for years to reduce male-pattern baldness & I sure didn't notice these benefits. The only thing I changed when starting Methotrexate was increasing my folate a lot more so I think it's the Methotrexate that's giving me these benefits. I am on lots of meds including four psych ones daily so perhaps Methotrexate is having a reaction with some of my meds :chin: However my skin & allergies are only slightly better if at all but I may need to double my dose. My stomach has been uncomfortable for the last few weeks & I'm losing weight from eating less(I'm still a bit overweight) so I don't want to increase my dosage right now. I'm trying to figure out a long-term way/med to manage the stomach issues because Methotrexate is the only immunosuppressant I can get(doc doesn't like prescribing those types of meds) & my insurance will not approve meds like Dupixent & the other stuff like creams, lotions, antihistamines, & Singulair do not really help.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

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09 Mar 2025, 1:06 am

If taking vitamin b made me less autistic, I'd avoid taking vitamin b.


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09 Mar 2025, 10:45 pm

I'm a tad wary of folic acid, as it's said to be toxic above 1000ug/day, and it doesn't occur naturally in food. ... de-effects

I've heard they give it to pregnant women, but I've not researched that, so no comment.

When I looked into what's in my diet, my Folate DFE intake was just slightly above the recommended daily amount, so I decided not to start supplementing my folate intake at all. My B12 intake was somewhat low, so I got some B complex supplement, which like most B supplements contains tons more B12 than the RDA, so I opened a capsule and diluted the contents with dried rice flour, and take enough of that to get my B12 intake up to what it should be. The other natural B vitamins in the capsules aren't concentrated enough to worry about toxicity. As you've guessed, I'm not a believer in megadosing unless blood tests show absorption is deficient. ... q-20058108

I also take a little bit of vitamin D3 because that one was very low in my diet - I'm almost veganic and the soya milk I use is usually not fortified with D3, which explains the low input from my diet. As vitamin D is fat-soluble and therefore harder for the body to remove, I'm more wary of getting too much of that than I am of getting too much vitamin B, so I take just enough to top up my intake to the RDA.

Of course if a competent doctor figured I had a deficiency then I might change my approach.

As for vitamin B reducing ASD, somehow I doubt it.


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10 Mar 2025, 12:28 am

nick007 wrote:
When I read the thread title I thought it was about the the Federal Aviation Administration :lol:

I heard of Leucovorin. A couple months ago I started taking Methotrexate for skin eczema & chronic sinus & allergy problems & I read about Leucovorin in my research. I did a tad of research on it & didn't read anything about autism but that's not surprising. When researching autism medications in the past I mostly found stuff about various psych meds which makes sense considering psych meds can treat problematic behaviors with various different causes & all the hype the pharmaceutical companies have been pushing about psych meds for a century.

I'm not taking Leucovorin but I am taking folate supplements & B complex vitamins. I've read about people on Methotrexate experiencing brain fog, lack of energy, depression, & tiredness but the weird thing is I seem to be experiencing paradoxical effects. I'm sleeping less, might be thinking more clearly, have more energy, & feel a bit better mentally(despite my negative & bitter posting on here sometimes, I vent & then feel better). It feels like like a few days after I get a corticosteroid shot or start taking corticosteroid pills except these feelings last. Whereas after a couple weeks corticosteroids quit giving me those effects even if I'm still taking the pills. I've been taking folate & a B complex supplement for years to reduce male-pattern baldness & I sure didn't notice these benefits. The only thing I changed when starting Methotrexate was increasing my folate a lot more so I think it's the Methotrexate that's giving me these benefits. I am on lots of meds including four psych ones daily so perhaps Methotrexate is having a reaction with some of my meds :chin: However my skin & allergies are only slightly better if at all but I may need to double my dose. My stomach has been uncomfortable for the last few weeks & I'm losing weight from eating less(I'm still a bit overweight) so I don't want to increase my dosage right now. I'm trying to figure out a long-term way/med to manage the stomach issues because Methotrexate is the only immunosuppressant I can get(doc doesn't like prescribing those types of meds) & my insurance will not approve meds like Dupixent & the other stuff like creams, lotions, antihistamines, & Singulair do not really help.

So.. I do not know how to actually impart, what , I have learned and practiced pretty successfully. On most of the above issues which , I have lived with most of my life. Cannot advise on weight loss except through the diet and some
degree of exercise. Pretty selective of diet .. with a eye towards protein in the diet.
Now the issue of the hyperactive immune system .. Aspies seem to show up after autopsy of having much more extra neural development . In their cranial and systemic wiring from all the stuff have read, and interesting coincidences in my own nervous system. Eventually after years of dermatologists . And even some less than smart Infectious disease and even neurologist .Have not understood ,how human physiology seems to interact ,especially with extra neural connections . Yes , so allergies will react to various good Allergy pills . best luck with mucinex guafenesin and psuedo phedrine. cut in half ,sometimes ,For me. , zyrtec too for nights and inbetween Mucinex and a dab of caffiene seemed to help brain fog. And the occassional amount of a cinnamon capsule,to aide with blood sugar balance.. But weirdly enough . As I went on through
my medical circus of things in life , found a infectious disease Doc. Popular doc. diagnosed me with MAST cell disorder.
Over reactive immune function easily observed , sinuses,on the skin ,rashes etc. Big time itching at times. Meant immune system is " ON" hyperdrive .. Old ER doc taught me, to trick the system that releases the histamine that has turned on! creates the rashes .Etc throughout the system , sinuses , buncha other allergic stuffs .Even Asthma for some .
His trick was to add things to the medication , that caused or told the immune it was okay to turn off . By adding
cortisol . To the medications I used for allergy stuff. Tiny amounts of Hydro cortisol. It helped me . In addition to the allergy stuff....Eventually found a Naturopath to help treat the over reactions of immune function. Reccomend those
types of Doctors. ...just what worked for me . Best wishes on you alks Healthcare journey.

Diagnosed hfa
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