It first developed about 5 years ago and I tried removing it myself by taking a pair of tweezers, lifting it a little and slicing the base of it with a sterilized exacto knife. Seemed to work for a while but then it grew back. A few months later, a second one appeared just above it.
I'm concerned because it's got an irregular shape, it's light brown with tiny pore-sized dark brown or black spots that can be scraped off with my fingernail.
I talked to my PCP about it and he took a look and said they were just typical moles but he's not the kind of doctor to really listen to my concerns. It's possible that I could just be worrying about nothing - just making mountains out of mole-hills (pun intended).
I just tried taking the bigger one off again but the cheap pair of tweezers I have doesn't have enough grip to them.
I just want them gone.