danlo wrote:
Rakkety_Tamm wrote:
The Arena football league is the hardest hitting, fastest paced football league anywere.
Rakkety rakkety rakkety. You're dreaming, girl. Australian Rules Football is the hardest hitting, fastest paced football league anywhere. Each team has 18 players on field at any time. The football field is around 200 yards long. For our code, it's normal to see scores above 100 on a fine day.
http://www.iafc.com.au/ is the website of the International Australian Football Council. There is, in fact, going to be an Australian Football World Cup held in 2008. There is local leagues set up in USA, Britain, Denmark and a host of other countries. Why should you post anything to do with Australia? You shouldn't, except it's not to do with Australia, it's just a game named after us which a lot of people are starting to play. Forget your silly football, ours is the greatest sport on earth!
number one dumb ass, I'm a guy, and number two, there are NO Australian teams withen 1000 miles of where I live, so as far as Im concerned, your lying. Your players would not survive the AFL, in fact, in the last 3 years, there have been 15 deaths due to the roughness of the sport, broken necks, backs. etc, in both the AFL and its counterpart the AF2. Do not talk about what you do not understand.
You are the weakest link, good bye!
Furry and proud.