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04 Dec 2008, 3:36 pm

This happened to me the other day for the first time in ages. Super hungry, short of breath, exhausted, low morale (for want of a better word), I just lay on my bed for about half an hour before I managed to eat a little chocolate bar. Fun. Any advice on how to push through said wall? I'm not really a long distance runner or anything, just very active. I eat plenty, but on the rare occassion, I get this, and it's annoying because it stops me in my tracks.


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04 Dec 2008, 3:50 pm

this sounds like something you might want to take up with a doctor. If the candy bar helped you might want to get your sugar checked.

When I get issues like this it's normally allergies for the breathing and at times I think i have a little bit of a sugar issue. And if it is your sugar the worst thing you can do is "wait for it to pass". Make sure it's not something that needs to be addressed medically!

The general worn down thing though, yeah, take a little while to just lie there and relax, sometimes you just need to rest a moment.


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04 Dec 2008, 3:56 pm

In retrospect is probably being worn down more than anything. It wasn't long before dinner, and I missed lunch because of work, so I suppose that's what did it more than a blood-sugar scare or anything. I've eaten loads today, and will probably have a lazy weekend, so hopefully, no more nastyness for a while, but thanks for the advice, Dr D.

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04 Dec 2008, 3:58 pm

Have had some pretty big medical scares around here :)

only 8 more years for my degree... once i start, that is...


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04 Dec 2008, 4:00 pm

And how many years before you start? :P

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04 Dec 2008, 4:01 pm

too much responsibility for me, i don't want to be the one that has the authority to prescribe the wrong meds to someone and possibly kill them. For that reason, however, I have been told I would make a wonderful doctor. fancy that.


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04 Dec 2008, 4:04 pm

Strange that it would be the sort of thing that makes someone a good doctor. But it does kind of make sense. It's all hypocratical and everything. Is the spelling right?

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05 Dec 2008, 12:20 am

Mix carbs, protein and fat when you eat. Also, make sure that you are getting enough calories.


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05 Dec 2008, 8:25 am

traveller011212 wrote:
Mix carbs, protein and fat when you eat. Also, make sure that you are getting enough calories.

yes, do that. i'm a rower so my main races (i.e. provincial, national, university champs, etc.) are olympic length, 2000m, but i've got some head races that will go up to 6.5k. you've just got to prepare adequately beforehand with enough food, and make sure it's not all simple carbs, so you have energy through the whole run. it really sucks when you get out on the water and you're waiting for your coach to meet up with the fleet for a 1.5hr practise and you're thinking "man i'm hungry". that's different from hitting the wall, i know, but being hungry and doing exercise sucks.

the only other thing i can suggest is to just push through it. if you're in a race and you hit it, you're not going to stop to catch your breath. mental strength plays a big part in endurance sports because it's so hard to push yourself for that long, but you've got to do it. once i'm done a race, i can't walk. i have to sit at the finish line for a few minutes before i can row back to the dock, and once i get there i very shakily pick up my boat with my partner and walk it back to the trailer. you've just got to learn how to push yourself, which could take a while. for the first couple of years i decided to quit rowing every time i raced. i'd get to the halfway mark and think "why am i doing this to myself, it hurts so much, i'm quitting after this race" until i was able to get a stronger mental game going on. now i just accept that it's going to hurt like hell, i'm going to want to throw up and pass out, and it's not going to get any better once i finish, but it's going to hurt whether i push myself to the limit or just give it a good effort so i might as well kill myself during the race.