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24 May 2010, 9:21 pm

Yet again I am on a diet. I am eating lots of vegetables and some fruit, and trying to have a more restricted amount of grains, and no refined sugar...

I am not doing too badly, though its too early to tell if this diet will be sucessful.. I have lost 500g so far, and I am my 3rd day into it...

I would like to exercise too but i am too busy and it is too cold...




words of encouragement?

Is it diet season or am I the only one...

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25 May 2010, 12:55 am

you will have better success if you totally avoid anything white - starch, sugar, rice or any refined flour. replace these items with high quality proteins. make sure you don't lose too much weight too soon, or your body will think you are starving and turn down the metabolism. 10 pounds a month is prudent. there is no escaping the need for daily exercise sufficient to elevate your pulse and make you sweat, at least 45 minutes daily, for aerobic benefit. start by walking at a brisk pace wearing high-quality walking shoes with abundant cushioning. it is almost never too cold or hot to walk. if it is icy or on fire outside, you could invest in a manual treadmill- these are between $100 and $200, do google product search to find the best at the lowest price. some folk swear by rebounders but if you have SI joint problems they are not the best choice.
muscle-building exercise creates a virtuous circle where you have more calorie-burning muscle while building more muscle, up to a point. pushups are a great all-round upper-body workout, start with just one, making sure your body is straight from head to toe during the whole pushup, harder than it sounds. do them whenever you are cold, they will warm you up pronto- do 'em before you start walking, to warm you up.
hope this didn't scare you, but i wouldn't blather on about it unless i did the same things myself. which i do.
good luck :)


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25 May 2010, 2:12 am

I hate diets. I can never keep to one.

It don't take no Sherlock Holmes to see it's a little different around here.


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25 May 2010, 5:32 pm

Thank you, Auntblabby,for your advice. I am trying to avoid most starches, but there are a lot of potatoes here so I am sort of eating them, as well as carrot, parsnip and swede. Anyway I am hardly a purist with anything..

the exercise. ye I know that is just an excuse. I could do indoor exercises if want, it is just being bothered...

I have one of those gym balls and they are great for dong push-ups and a whole lot of other core exercises. I guess I need to just do it rather than thinkng about it.

Ferdinand, i hate diets too. I cant stop thinking about chocolate, even now. I want a cake.

"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
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25 May 2010, 6:16 pm

You can reduce the GI of potatoes by eating them boiled with the skin (as in potato salad). :)

Or alternatively making mashed carrot/parsnip/potato (or any other vegetable with lower GI) pure. Or adding them as thickener to soups.

Grapefruit is good for losing weight, fibrous fruits/grains/vegetables as well. Sour fruits, plenty of salad, lean protein and water.

If you're lazy to go to the gym you can start with many and numerous youtube videos on losing weight, as an easy start, or walking as it was stated already, best done in parks, woods etc depending on where you live.

Best of luck. :)


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25 May 2010, 7:35 pm

I suppose I am dieting. I wasn't calling it that, but I guess that's what I'm doing. I eat mostly gluten free already and don't eat much meat (just eat fish) anyway, so that cuts out a lot. I try to only drink water, but drink other stuff when I don't feel well.

I'm using this website to track my calories and such that I find really helpful. It's free and pretty easy to use. This is it:


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26 May 2010, 5:46 pm

Thanks, Booyakaha, for the food tips. there is a huge vegetable patch here- am on a farm, so there are a lot of vegetables to eat, and that helps.

Astaut, that is an interesting website. I could keep a food journal I guess.. my biggest problem is the endless snacking I do, so there would be lots of entries in it... :?

My cravings are my biggest downfall as far as I can see.

"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf

Taking a break.