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04 Dec 2008, 12:21 pm

ok update
started eating breakfast and lunch

noticed a slight loss in body weight.

thinking of going to the gym but i really dont want to as its a small gym and there are usually alot of people there.. any ideas on a way around this?

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04 Dec 2008, 1:17 pm

""thinking of going to the gym but i really dont want to as
its a small gym and there are usually alot of people there..
any ideas on a way around this?""

I had the same problem, i do not like working out around
people at all. My solution takes a little space but it was very
helpful, i used a small room especially for that and fixed
some equipment. Some might swear to the hight tech gym
equipment, but i`m not picky about that, i`ve come along
way with basic stuff and some knowledge. Of course it cost
a little to get it done, but i`m happy with that when i compare
it to the fees i have to pay at the gyms + the time. Theres a
half hour work out lost for me just in getting to the gym and
park and all that. So on 4 trips to the gym i loose 2 hours
of workout time, and i`m paying for it 8O And in addition
its easier to get a workout done when i have it at home, its
always open and right there. When going to a gym i could
think "meh...i`ll do it tomorrow instead, so much driving
and people.." a little to fast and not get it done.


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04 Dec 2008, 2:07 pm

so what do you propose i do? as im still in school and have no source of income

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04 Dec 2008, 2:22 pm

irishaspie wrote:
so what do you propose i do? as im still in school and have no source of income

Well, guess it all comes down to space and money
to be able to do it. If its not an option then maybe
look for some other gym thats less crowded or feels
more comfortable if thats possible, not so many
options i`m afraid. If you like the work out at home
idea and have the space, maybe try and make a
longterm plan to get some money and make it happen
later on down the road, it creates alot of comfort for
those who are stressed with crowded gyms.

Some might have cheap public gyms so the prize isnt
such a big issue when i think about it, but here i live
they are outragous 8O total rip-off so i would have
spent alot of money on that if using a gym so the
home-thing made sense when doing it not to expensive
or fancy.


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04 Dec 2008, 2:36 pm

Ask around - have you got any friends/relatives with some basic gym equipment you could use? If it comes down to it you can always offer to mow their lawns or something in return for using it (that'll get you fit as well ;) ).

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06 Dec 2008, 10:29 pm

Generally good advice all around, but an important piece of info is missing: what are your goals? Advice for bulking up is different from losing weight.

Eating breakfast and lunch is a good start, no matter what your goal is.

You may want to look into working out with minimum equipment. If your goal is weight loss, you can get good results from bodyweight circuit training. The holiday season is fast approaching, so maybe you could ask for a weight set or dumbbells.

An example bodyweight circuit might be:
15 pushups
25 squats
10 burpees/squat thrusts
Repeat x2-4
x4-6 a week

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07 Dec 2008, 11:29 pm

make time for breakfast and lunch as well as dinner.