Allergic reaction in the absence of an irritant
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macushla wrote:
lotusblossom wrote:
I have a sulfa allergy,
lotusblossom wrote:
I also have ankylosing spondylitis which gives arthirtis in knees and back and psoriasis and gut problems,
Let me guess, you know about your sulfa allergy because the dr.s prescribed a sulfa drug for an Inflammatory Bowel Disease called Ulcerative colitis?
No? Am I just projecting?
I wonder how many of us Aspies have the IBD adventure going on and what part it plays with the AS, if any.
Btw, the only way they were able to discover an allergy to sulfa that I have was with a blood test. The only obvious symptom I had was all of my White blood cells were destroyed while I was on it. Unless I hadn't developed major infections they might never have tested for that.
lotusblossom wrote:
it is cured by starch free diet and I get bad itchy/rashy hands when I eat bread/cake etc.
IBD? I've heard of the Carbohydrate Specific Diet for that but I hadn't heard of a starch (which is a carbohydrate) free diet. I can't imagine a diet without some percentage of carbohydrates. I could be wrong, but I don't think its physically possible.
Btw, CS Diet didn't work for me.
A totally raw food diet has helped but I'm still experimenting with it.
While I'm experimenting I've been consulting with various dietary specialists to make sure I'm not making the matter worse.
Sometimes we fall in love with a process so much that we don't realize the process isn't helping us one bit.
Its good to consult someone professionally trained who can review our case impartially.
What works for one doesn't always work for another.
Macushla -here are some diet and Ankylosing spnodylitis links
low starch diet is basically a "caveman" diet of meat, raw veg and fruit. Starch is not same as carbs as friut has fructose rather than starch so is absorbed higher up the digestive system and doesnt cause probs. And veg when cooked have starch where as when they are raw it is sealed in the cell walls and ok.
Ive not got the allergy to the drug sulfa but the food chemical ie sufadioxide, sorry my bad, I never remember which is sulphite or sulfa allergy

lotusblossom wrote:
low starch diet is basically a "caveman" diet of meat, raw veg and fruit. Starch is not same as carbs as friut has fructose rather than starch so is absorbed higher up the digestive system and doesnt cause probs. And veg when cooked have starch where as when they are raw it is sealed in the cell walls and ok.
My son tested to be allergic to pork and chicken. At the time the doctor said it wasn't determinable if my son was actually allergic to pork and chicken or if he was allergic to what the animals had been fed before the test was made of their flesh.
Here's a thing about meat that people living in at least the USA have to remember. Unless one grows their own meat or buys it organic from a reliable source, its probably been raised on antibiotics.
If the cow, chicken or pig and even farm raised fish was fed antibiotics and you eat them, you will be exposed to the residuals of that antibiotic.
Since sulfa is an inexpensive and popular antibiotic, people with sensitivities to sulfa need to be aware of this.
If a carbohydrate is digested higher up in one's digestive system than the small intestine, its done in the mouth by the enzymes in the saliva
or rather its started there. All carbohydrate digestion is started with the enzymes found there or the enzymes found in the food source in its raw state (if given enough time for it to take effect).
Many people don't chew their food which means aggressive carbohydrate digestion for them usually doesn't start until it reaches the small intestine.
True, the cells walls of cooked vegetables have been broken down by the heat. That heat also breaks down the protein of the enzymes contained by the vegetables which means one has to then rely on their own self produced digestive enzymes.
Raw food still contains the enzymes undamaged. Its those enzymes found in raw foods that help break down raw foods in one's digestive system in addition to one's own self produced digestive enzymes. (Its theorized that some people are deficient in digestive enzymes.)
Once the digestive process is started our body probably recognizes cooked and raw vegetables the same except for cooked vegetables having a lack of functioning digestive enzymes to supplement with
but for many people that doesn't seem to be a problem because the heat having broken the cell walls is enough.
The point I'm trying to make here is, even though the cell walls of uncooked vegetables haven't been broken down by cooking them, the cell walls are broken down inside our body by the process that continues in our body. If raw foods work better for some than cooked, its theorized by some that its the undamaged enzymes in those raw foods.
macushla wrote:
lotusblossom wrote:
low starch diet is basically a "caveman" diet of meat, raw veg and fruit. Starch is not same as carbs as friut has fructose rather than starch so is absorbed higher up the digestive system and doesnt cause probs. And veg when cooked have starch where as when they are raw it is sealed in the cell walls and ok.
My son tested to be allergic to pork and chicken. At the time the doctor said it wasn't determinable if my son was actually allergic to pork and chicken or if he was allergic to what the animals had been fed before the test was made of their flesh.
Here's a thing about meat that people living in at least the USA have to remember. Unless one grows their own meat or buys it organic from a reliable source, its probably been raised on antibiotics.
If the cow, chicken or pig and even farm raised fish was fed antibiotics and you eat them, you will be exposed to the residuals of that antibiotic.
Since sulfa is an inexpensive and popular antibiotic, people with sensitivities to sulfa need to be aware of this.
If a carbohydrate is digested higher up in one's digestive system than the small intestine, its done in the mouth by the enzymes in the saliva
or rather its started there. All carbohydrate digestion is started with the enzymes found there or the enzymes found in the food source in its raw state (if given enough time for it to take effect).
Many people don't chew their food which means aggressive carbohydrate digestion for them usually doesn't start until it reaches the small intestine.
True, the cells walls of cooked vegetables have been broken down by the heat. That heat also breaks down the protein of the enzymes contained by the vegetables which means one has to then rely on their own self produced digestive enzymes.
Raw food still contains the enzymes undamaged. Its those enzymes found in raw foods that help break down raw foods in one's digestive system in addition to one's own self produced digestive enzymes. (Its theorized that some people are deficient in digestive enzymes.)
Once the digestive process is started our body probably recognizes cooked and raw vegetables the same except for cooked vegetables having a lack of functioning digestive enzymes to supplement with
but for many people that doesn't seem to be a problem because the heat having broken the cell walls is enough.
The point I'm trying to make here is, even though the cell walls of uncooked vegetables haven't been broken down by cooking them, the cell walls are broken down inside our body by the process that continues in our body. If raw foods work better for some than cooked, its theorized by some that its the undamaged enzymes in those raw foods.
the diet is not a health diet but to exterminate the klebsela bacteria invoved in ankylosing spondylitis.
I previously did raw food lifestyle and I was a vegan for over 10 years
but I am giving the perscribed low starch diet a good go as ankylosing spondylitis is degenerative and I want to avoid being in a wheel chair for as long as posible

lotusblossom wrote:
but I am giving the perscribed low starch diet a good go as ankylosing spondylitis is degenerative
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying you are attempting to create an internal environment through diet that is inhospitable to the bacteria Klebsiella
as you suspect your body's reaction to the presence of Klebsiella to be the etiology of your adventure with Ankylosing spondylitis?
macushla wrote:
lotusblossom wrote:
but I am giving the perscribed low starch diet a good go as ankylosing spondylitis is degenerative
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying you are attempting to create an internal environment through diet that is inhospitable to the bacteria Klebsiella
as you suspect your body's reaction to the presence of Klebsiella to be the etiology of your adventure with Ankylosing spondylitis?
why dont you watch the you tube link about Dr Ebringer and the Sinclair diet link and write to them if you dont agree with it rather than heckleing me

lotusblossom wrote:
why dont you watch the you tube link about Dr Ebringer and the Sinclair diet link and write to them if you dont agree with it rather than heckleing me

Oh dear! Heckling you was totally not my intention.
I'm sorry if you chose to interpret my words as heckling.
I just wanted to specify that it was the bacteria's (bacteria as the etiology of disfunction) relationship with the starch you were dealing with and not your own personal chemical balance to the starch. By reducing your consumption of the starch you reduced the bacteria's ability to live in you and cause you a problem.
Had you not had an over growth of Klebsiella for what ever reason, you wouldn't have a need to deal with the symptoms of it now.
macushla wrote:
lotusblossom wrote:
why dont you watch the you tube link about Dr Ebringer and the Sinclair diet link and write to them if you dont agree with it rather than heckleing me

Oh dear! Heckling you was totally not my intention.
I'm sorry if you chose to interpret my words as heckling.
I just wanted to specify that it was the bacteria's (bacteria as the etiology of disfunction) relationship with the starch you were dealing with and not your own personal chemical balance to the starch. By reducing your consumption of the starch you reduced the bacteria's ability to live in you and cause you a problem.
Had you not had an over growth of Klebsiella for what ever reason, you wouldn't have a need to deal with the symptoms of it now.
Dr Ebringers you tube video explains the concept of it, if you watch that I am sure you will have any of your questions answered. If you want to understand the theory more than what is shown on the video I suggest you google it rather than asking me.

Joined: 5 Aug 2006
Age: 49
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Location: Where normalcy and bad puns collide
I'll also jump on the "go see an allergist" train. If eggs or one of your known allergens is making you react, it can also be a delayed reaction to the offending substance. Another possibility is that airborne particles from these cooked foods can set of a reaction.
Apathy is a dominant gene. Mutate.