Ive been away for awhile. I had disk replacement surgery September 23rd. I was wondering if anyone here has had this done. It was in my lower back L5. My surgeon says it looks great and I do feel somewhat better but it was a terrible experience and I still have a lot of pain and am still on pain meds. I was a part of a study so my surgeon and my GP are still trying to figure out who is going to pay for my Physical Therapy. I think its really important that I get to PT as soon as possible because Id like to go back to Kung Fu. Right now, I can hardly walk around a store. I ruptured my disk many years ago when I was a Certified Nursing Assistant and I lifted people. I have done it again and again over the years. My surgeon said my disk was basically destroyed. I am a woman and I have also had five kids which didnt help. I am slightly over weight right now because of the lack of mobility. Anyway, has anyone gone through this before? are there things I should be doing now? Should I demand PT?.....Im not good at being confrontational...I could get my husband to do it maybe?