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26 Nov 2009, 2:49 am


Ive been away for awhile. I had disk replacement surgery September 23rd. I was wondering if anyone here has had this done. It was in my lower back L5. My surgeon says it looks great and I do feel somewhat better but it was a terrible experience and I still have a lot of pain and am still on pain meds. I was a part of a study so my surgeon and my GP are still trying to figure out who is going to pay for my Physical Therapy. I think its really important that I get to PT as soon as possible because Id like to go back to Kung Fu. Right now, I can hardly walk around a store. I ruptured my disk many years ago when I was a Certified Nursing Assistant and I lifted people. I have done it again and again over the years. My surgeon said my disk was basically destroyed. I am a woman and I have also had five kids which didnt help. I am slightly over weight right now because of the lack of mobility. Anyway, has anyone gone through this before? are there things I should be doing now? Should I demand PT?.....Im not good at being confrontational...I could get my husband to do it maybe?


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26 Nov 2009, 11:36 am

I would think it was critical that you have physical therapy and I'm surprised the study didn't factor that in. It has to affect their results. My mother had both her knees replaced and had PT and had a full recovery. I have reason to believe I have congenital hip dysplasia that was missed by the family doc. It would have meant a full body cast for an infant for a year. Anyway I think I will be facing hip replacement surgery one day. If things don't change I will be in a similar situation as you. I'm glad you have people looking into options for you. Why doesn't the study figure out something so important? Grr.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Nov 2015, 2:25 am

You should be back to most physical activities six to eight weeks post op. If the pain persists, you could seek opinion from another doctor through the assistance of