peterd wrote:
I'd guess, from the evidence at hand, that there isn't much of a correlation here.
Still, when you've come back to consciousness a few times from extreme hypoglycaemia trapped in some dark hallway afraid of everything that isn't in sight, it's easy to see that there might be.
Is there anyone else out there stuck with type 1 as well as the aspie curse? Perhaps being able to make an obsession out of it helps - I've an endocrinologist who tells me I'm the healthiest twenty-year plus diabetic he knows.
I am insulin dependent ... but I'm also the single most insulin-resistant person in Ireland (according to at least four different doctor's I've spoken to).
how hypo-aware are you? normally I will notice becomming hypo ... my heart starts to race, I sweat profusely, I can't concentrate (unles I'm hyperfocused on something); as it gets worse, my speach begins to slur, I get dizzy, my hands shake.
The only times I go so radically Hypo that I pass out are if I am already asleep ... and you gotta admit that waking up out of a Hypo is NOT pleasent (especially since the entire bed will be soaking ... all of your clothes will be dripping wet)
I absolutely hate "fun-fairs" ... the adrenaline reaction is identical to the symptoms of a Hypo - so I can't tell if I'm about to pass out. This sensation of loss of control means that I avoid rollercoasters and other funfair rides at all costs.