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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Mar 2011, 11:53 am

Aside from Asperger Syndrome, I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Anxiety Disorder) and ADHD. I am currently taking Strattera for it.


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29 Mar 2011, 4:23 pm

Besides the Asperger's, I have ADHD. The ADHD is much more of a problem than AS. Without meds, I wouldn't be able to concentrate for the life of me. ADHD and AS are so intertwined that often I can't tell which disorder is the cause of many a social blunder.


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07 Apr 2011, 6:34 am

Besides Asperger, which is not diagnosed yet (though probably soon, my counselor presented the idea to me, and since I have been reading and I fit), I have GAD (diagnosed), selective mutism (undiagnosed), OCD (diagnosed), social anxiety disorder (diagnosed, however I believe I have more of the following), and avoidant personality disorder, but I have had refusal of diagnoses on this due to what I can prove are incorrect beliefs about avoidant personality disorder, even though I fit both ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria for it.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Apr 2011, 11:33 am

dunbots wrote:
Holy crap Carl, that's a ton. :lol:

I'm diagnosed with nothing yet, but I seem to have:

Asperger's Syndrome
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Schizoid, Borderline, and Avoidant Personality Disorders
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

And as far as I know that's all. :P

Same. It is also possible that I have paranoid schizophrenia, for I always think that if I mess up someone is going to either hit me or kill me.

Furthermore, when I go to restrooms &/or the bathroom in any building, I look around and make sure that no one is watching me because I think that someone will knock me out and take me somewhere else. :oops:

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07 Apr 2011, 12:35 pm

Diagnosed - Dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and anxiety

Possible – Aspergers or some kind of social phobia and OCD

Dylexia, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, Depression and possible Aspergers ... that is all.


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10 Apr 2011, 12:30 pm

Mentally: Depression, various phobias and possible OCD
Neurologically: Stuttering
Physically: IBS, obesity and Hypoglycemia

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Apr 2011, 2:29 pm

Before my Asperger's diagnosis:
- Manic Depression
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Borderline Social Anxiety

After my Asperger's diagnosis:
- All of the above but at least now I take comfort in knowing that it is in large part due to Asperger's and that it isn't just all of these problems that don't have a connection.

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14 Apr 2011, 10:11 am

My Mental list includes:
Clinical Depression
Social Anxiety
Attachment Disorder (avoidant-dismissive type)

GERD and Ulcers since childhood
Lactose Intolerance, getting worse every year
Medicine and food sensitivities
and for the last 15 years I have had numerous undiagnosed neurological problems like: muscle spasms, chronic headaches, spasticity, balance issues, mild low frequency hearing loss, blurry vision, and on and on. Sounds a lot like Multiple Sclerosis to me be doctors have said if it hasn't progressed (which it hasn't) it couldn't possibly be that.

On the plus side I have had very vivid lucid dreams that I can remember in extreme detail going back as far as four years old.


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15 Apr 2011, 12:11 am

Aside from diagnosed Asperger's, I have severe OCD, depression (ranging from mild to nearly catatonic, and sometimes in the best mood ever, but usually just bland to horrible), self-diagnosed multiple personality "disorder" (the kind where you just have these shifting personalities... not the rare kind where you don't remember what your other personalities were up to), mild to severe anxiety that often comes at total random (sometimes followed by panic attacks, but that was some time ago, now), mild dyslexia, most likely ADD (attention deficit disorder), and a long-time friend of mine in the past (that I later completely cut off from my life) was convinced that I had schizophrenia. If my rather rarely occurring alternate reality panic attacks, that I nowadays don't seem to get, anymore, indicate schizophrenia, then maybe I do have a mild form of it.

I also have body dysmorphic disorder... I pretty much can't even go outside, anymore, in the daytime, unless I look like a model. If I don't properly apply makeup and get my hair to look decent, and otherwise look my best, I instead walk on the backstreets and avoid most people. At the same time, I do it for myself - not for them. That may sound strange but that's how it is. What may seem even stranger is that I am doing better, mentally, nowadays, and this means that I focus so much more on my looks than before - the fact that I spend so much more time and effort on it means that I am not bordering on catatonic, like some years back... well, I even was catatonic, for a while, in the past. :/ So the fact that I barely can get outdoors, unless I look great, means that I am doing much better. >_>;

I have always avoided to fully reveal how mentally troubled I really am to psychiatrists and psychologists... I've set the rule that they can only know what they "need to know"; what has to be revealed for me to not be deemed as "well enough" to not get the disability money that I get. If they really knew everything, they'd lock me up. I really am what most would see as "insane"... I haven't even mentioned everything, here. I don't see that as a bad thing, at all, though - quite the very contrary - although I do wish I would be happier...

I don't use any "meds", despite being so "messed up", as I could be perceived. If anything, all "medications" I have ever briefly tried have made me worse, and even if they would make me a bit happier and less troubled, then at least not using them means that I have an incredibly sharp mind... that unfortunately makes me unbelievably unhappy, so very often, but I'd be cured if I just found my true love. Then my anxiety would go away, as well, considering my sex obsession... sex under true love magically solves everything. Never experienced it, of course, but I know it is exactly so... then the anxiety would just get wiped out..... kind of fascinating, really. Of course, it's really very simple, why that is the case, but, nonetheless, it is indeed quite intriguing...


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19 Apr 2011, 12:57 am

Comorbid conditions are present in pretty much everyone with ASD and I think that to even identify them separately puts you at risk for "labeling" yourself too much. With ASD comes a whole boatload of other problems.

I've got symptoms of ADHD, OCPD, narcissism, bulimia, and maybe even manic depression to qualify for diagnosis with all of them... but I just stick to Asperger's, because all those other issues are connected.


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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Apr 2011, 12:33 pm

I have Tourette's Syndrome, and I think I have OCD as well.

My OCD ticks in when my tics start up, and my tics start up when things aren't okay, I'm nervous, people are yelling at me, etc.


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20 Apr 2011, 1:52 am

A psychatrist once diagnosed me with Paranoid psychosis
I dont know whether i have it or not

My only problem is i cant socialise with people
I am too timid, shy, vulnerable and I have on and off depression.

Due to isolation i have depression.
Also i have behavioural problems and dont know what to say and when to say

Im guessing i must be having AS also.


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20 Apr 2011, 1:52 am

A psychatrist once diagnosed me with Paranoid psychosis
I dont know whether i have it or not

My only problem is i cant socialise with people
I am too timid, shy, vulnerable and I have on and off depression.

Due to isolation i have depression.
Also i have behavioural problems and dont know what to say and when to say

Im guessing i must be having AS also.


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20 Apr 2011, 4:20 am

I have come to realize I probably do have Social Anxiety disorder. I get nervous in social situations, I have a hard time talking to my boss and calling people. I get nervous asking for help in stores because I fear of coming off as stupid because what if something I am asking for becomes so obvious in my eye sight I had missed it, then I had made myself look so dumb. I also fear saying the wrong things or offending people. I have a hard time looking at people when I am nervous or feeling uncomfortable. Or maybe that is all just AS. But I am not self diagnosing so I won't claim to have it.


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20 Apr 2011, 4:34 am

League_Girl wrote:
I have come to realize I probably do have Social Anxiety disorder. I get nervous in social situations, I have a hard time talking to my boss and calling people. I get nervous asking for help in stores because I fear of coming off as stupid because what if something I am asking for becomes so obvious in my eye sight I had missed it, then I had made myself look so dumb. I also fear saying the wrong things or offending people. I have a hard time looking at people when I am nervous or feeling uncomfortable. Or maybe that is all just AS. But I am not self diagnosing so I won't claim to have it.

I too am very nervous when it comes to calling people I don't know, like a store or something, and talking to the cashiers. Unless I know someone personally, I feel nervous talking to them. I don't have trouble talking to my psychiatrist, although my mom is always in there with me. I think I would be nervous if she wasn't, though.


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20 Apr 2011, 4:36 am

I has a bucket

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