You're way off target with the 1 in a thousand approach
It's more like 1 in a hundred!
Even one of the disability officers I talk to says that's a massive over assessment
He says it's more like one in ten!
he says he sees us everywhere!
We're like an avalanche of social misfits and now society is finally recognising us it can't handle the load.
Don't think you are insane!
You have 'Different Think'
(That's what we call it here)
Of course you are special!
Of course you are unique!
(You too Ai_Ling!)
But that doesn't make you a freak!
JHenry2848 wrote:
I went home from school and watched tv sitcoms all night.
Of course! That's what I did all the way through school.
What else are you supposed to do when you come home with a massive sensory overload?
All those thoughts and feelings and input and learning and observations and misunderstandings and conceptions and broken misconceptions and failings and yearnings ...
It's hard.
It's really hard.
...It's not really a matter of making friends or finding someone else to help you feel accepted...
Accept your self.
And then you will find yourself helping someone else feel like less of a freak,
and That,
my friend,
is where the Magic Is!
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle