I have both Asperger's and paranoid schizophrenia.
NB: if you don't know what "negative" and "positive" symptoms of schizophrenia are, I advise you to look online because I really do not feel like explaining it here.
When I am very ill I have terrible positive symptoms to the point that I have to be sectioned and put on a secure unit just to protect myself and others from death or severe damage. I get extremely delusional and the hallucinations are almost constant.
I don't tend to experience much in terms of negative symptoms (hence paranoid schizophrenia - look it up), but see below:
But now, although I am definitely not in remission (I've been some level of "ill" for 8 years), I don't experience such strong positive symptoms (although I do still hear voices, see things and get very scared in certain benign situations), but I do experience one main negative symptom which is "flattened affect". I speak in monotone most, if not all, the time, and I don't show much expression on my face and I have zero body language.
HOWEVER.....what I am wondering is, is how much of this single negative symptom is schizophrenia and how much is it Asperger's?
I have had other negative symptoms, but only mild-moderate.
This "flattened affect" is even confusing my psychiatrist, because she can't come to a conclusion as to whether it is a negative symptom of schizophrenia or if it is AS.
Can you enlighten me?
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.