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05 Nov 2011, 8:46 pm

Guitar_Girl wrote:
Each letter of the alphabet has a gender and each persons face has a different musical note to it.

Each digit has specific character, a music can be visualised or painted (which can reveal arrangement deficiencies).

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06 Nov 2011, 12:06 pm

Besides AS, I have ADD, GAD, panic syndrome, PTSD and depression.

Physical conditons are high blood pressue and chronic muscle tension (I don't know what it's officially called in English, but that's what it translates to from Swedish), the latter being the cause of my migraine-like tension headaches.


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06 Nov 2011, 9:01 pm

I don't have AS... I actually have Classic Autism in a mild to moderate scale. I also have ADHD and varying learning and developmental delays. My writing skills are more savant-like even though writing isn't an actual savant ability but my skills in writing have been proved as being baffling to those around me. XD

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive


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07 Nov 2011, 12:03 am

Well its interesting to read what people are saying because I too sometimes feel I could have bipolar.
I can days when I'm quite excitable and very happy.
The next I feel (almost) suicidally depressed. Like life has no hope.
Also I've had OCD which is better these days.

Its interesting how AS and all these other conditions link up.

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07 Nov 2011, 7:31 am

Apart from AS I have a profound hearing loss.



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21 Nov 2011, 8:40 am

I've been struggling with increasingly difficult anxiety, depression and weird sensory overloads (I didn't know what they were until recently) for 10 or more years and I was more or less miserable all my life. Anxiety and depressions come in periods. At one point the psychiatrist though I had Bipolar, but I don't have any manic episodes really. I may go from depression to anxiety in one day, but it's never really manic episode. So he shelved that. It seems to me that prolonged anxiety causes mental burnout and fatigue that give grounds to depressions episodes.

I also have some symptoms of PTSD, social anxiety, general anxiety, obsessive personality and probably few more things. The doctor was lost but he never even hinted Asperger's. Then I started Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It's done by a psychologist and he said right away that I have AS and I should find someone who specializes in Autism spectrum and get tested. I started reading about it, including some Medline papers (since I have easy access to a university library) and Tony Attwood's. I also spoke informally to a couple of other psychologists and psychiatrists who do research at the institution I work for. It all clicked in place. On any self-test AS I come in the 70% range. So I found a place, a center for Autism and I went through a long pre-test evaluation and the psychologists said it definitely does look like AS. The actual testing is still a few weeks away, in December. So yeah, it looks like I may have AS or HFA (although they're supposed to be pretty much the same, right?) and on top of that load of other issues. It seems, according to Tony Attwood's book, that many people with AS suffer from other disorders that are secondary to AS. It also seems that many psychiatrists fail to notice that connection and only treat you for the secondary disorders. I consulted other psychiatrists and none mentioned Asperger's. They just wanted me to try more pills for depression.


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25 Nov 2011, 11:20 am

Technicaly I do not really have Asperger's; because I did not speak until I was four. So technicaly I'm probably HFA or something. I also highly suspect I have bipolar, reactive attachment disorder and I was practicaly the poster child for fetal alcholhol syndrome but I never had a diagnosis becuase they took my biological mother's word on it when she said she did not drink. She hung out all the time in a f*****g bar!

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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18 Dec 2011, 2:41 am

I have PTSD, and I just awoke from a flashback of my mother shooting heroine and having sex beside me


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18 Dec 2011, 4:41 pm

Besides AS I've got a psychosis, at least that was how it was called until some months ago, now they call it schizophrenia xD
They said mixed with AS it's even worse. But since I take medicine against it I'm able to graduate normally this year :)
The problem about the medicine is, that I can only take very small doses because a higher dose has side effects on me that would cause apnoea (I had to call the emergency ambulance once my psychiatrist told me to take twice as much of the medicine).
It's a very funny disease, there are so many facets of feelings you feel, the world appears to feel different in each moment. You feel very apathetic but warm and eased.
I've never taken drugs but I expect it to be similar. but though that, before I had finally found medicine that works somehow, I longed for clearness and a normal working brain to be able to succeed in school. And since it seemed to never be the case again and it seemed that I had anyway no chance to be successful in life someday I decided to leave this world out of a rational thought.
It's different if the decision comes out of a rational thought as if it was out of an emotional impulse, since if there is an emotional impulse you would probably not do it since your drive to survive wouldn't allow you this step. But if your emotions are all away and you make the rational decision it's your real intention. and it was for about two years. I've still got the bookmark in my browser for the order of the chemicals to synthesize a chemical that would grant it painless. but out of a matter of fortune in the week I wanted to order it they unknowingly gave me antidepressivants which threw me out of this hole and gave me energy. strangely the resignation to die in my head has never left me--- and that's awesome! it took away all of my fears! I don't fear death, I don't fear pain, I'm able to risk, I'm able to play the game of life like the game it is! It was probably the most important thing that built my character. Anything has it's benefits, and sometimes the worst things can bring you the most! :)


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19 Dec 2011, 1:44 pm

I was diagnosed was dyslexia a few weeks ago (poor visual and auditory working memory). I also have some symptoms of dyspraxia (clumsiness, poor working memory, difficulty controlling pitch and speed of voice). Some difficulties with social anxiety too.

Last edited by Blimey on 19 Dec 2011, 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Dec 2011, 1:50 pm

Blimey wrote:
I was diagnosed was dyslexia a few weeks ago (extremely poor visual and auditory working memory but spelling was above average). I also have some symptoms of dyspraxia (clumsiness, poor working memory, difficulty controlling pitch and speed of voice).

Sounds cruel.
I hope you will go on in spite of all your mental challenges.
but is there any chance of healing? I could hardly live with the knowing of being not capable for so many things....


---> ;D



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29 Dec 2011, 1:52 am

I have paranoid personality disorder and OCD.

OCD: When I was a teenager I'd perform this bizarre ritual where I wouldn't enter my room unless I thought of something pleasant. If I had unpleasant thoughts it would somehow "infest" my room and everything I did. It was a compulsion. I knew it was irrational but I couldn't stop myself from doing it. I also wash my hands frequently.

PPD: when I get an illness I automatically assume it's the worst possible thing that could happen to me. For example, I think I'm coming down with pneumonia when it's just seasonal flu. I also hold grudges against people for a long time, even for harmless stuff. I sometimes feel like I'm in an alternate moral universe where the rules apply more severely to me. I think there's a conspiracy to punish and find fault with me.

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09 Jan 2012, 11:01 pm

ASD, PTSD, OCD, Dissociative, Bipolar, GAD, ADHD

Hypothyroidism, GERD, Endometriosis, TMJ, Epilepsy/Migraines, IBS, Spine Problems (e.g., scoliosis, bone spurs/fusion)


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24 Feb 2012, 5:43 am

I feel like if you broke out your DSM-IV you could diagnose everyone on the planet with some kind of disorder. I probably have a lot of s**t wrong with me but everyone has problems. It's apart of being human. I wonder what a "normal" person with no psychological conditions is like? Haven't met anyone in my life that wasn't a little f****d up in the's just human nature. Actually reading all this stuff makes me want to ignore any diagnosis like Asperger's or ADHD cause it just seems to be piling on to other crap...oh and I'm a contrarian but I'm sure you can find a relevant condition for that in the DSM-IV.


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24 Feb 2012, 6:13 pm

Besides Asperger's? I'm overcoming a possible relapse of depression from last year. I was having daily suicidal thoughts for a few months and have finally got over it. I've never attempted suicide and never will. I'd hate to think about what would happen to my family and friends.

Besides from being depressed, I suffer from anxiety but have become very good at managing it without meds over the years. I focus on my breathing when I get nervous and try my best to keep a cool level head but sometimes I succumb to panic attacks.

I'm pretty sure I have PTSD/De-Realization, and Dyscalculia. I get numbers mixed up easily when doing math and my mind goes blank whenever I try to do math without help.

Physically speaking: I'm addicted to caffeine, sensitive to Barometric Pressure changes and have eczema. My ankles are covered in scars from the years of scratching.

Last edited by Sickpuppies124 on 24 Feb 2012, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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24 Feb 2012, 6:16 pm

PTSD and Depression and have developed Agoraphobia as a result of too much trauma. Some days are worse than others and things can improve.