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23 May 2011, 1:39 pm

mgran wrote:
Oh Namaste. I'm sorry you had to put up with that... I don't know if he was schizophrenic, but he was surely a terrifying man for a young woman to be around. I hope you've been able to find some peace despite such a traumatic childhood.

if my life would have been on normal track with friends, job, socialising i would have found peace
but without friends, loneliness, isolation, no job im not getting going more into the trench


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05 Jun 2011, 7:51 pm

DerHeider wrote:
My dad is schizophrenic. He lives a quiet life alone...seeing and hearing things. He refuses to go to a doctor for anything. Growing up was scary because his halucinations were evil. Mom worked, so I took care of him. My Grandpa bought me a piano, and paid for lessons. I've been playing for 34 years. After a few songs, my dad seems to be at peace. I still care for him, and gave im a CD of me playing piano. I've watched him struggle his entire life, but I visit him to remind him of his success: a daughter who loves him.

My dad had Schizophrenia, and Bi-Polar, as well. For the most part, he was pretty calm and passive, and stayed pretty much to himself also, except when he went off his meds, in which he would then go on shopping sprees, drinking binges (Bi-Polar), and cause disruptions at his apartment, and other places around town. He passed away a couple of years ago, which was probably the best thing for him, because he was in pretty rough shape (mentally and physically) the last few years of his life.


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05 Jun 2011, 10:38 pm

Nostromos wrote:
My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

My mom has Schizophrenia too. I am really glad that I found someone else that has a parent with Schizophreniia. My mom's Schizophrenia has been getting a lot worse because she will NOT stop hearing voices that are NOT there and she has been off her meds since last December. :(


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06 Jun 2011, 4:28 am

Its so scary to live with schiz relatives...they are very difficult.
And 90% of my family members suffer from this disorder
They are voilent, aggressive, abusive, throw tantrums, hyper
Not much peace is there in life because of their mood swings and melodrama
My mom and brother need serious help they have made my life a living hell...


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06 Jun 2011, 6:33 am

I've known 2 people with schizophrenia, neither of them were relatives. One of them I would have never guessed was schizophrenic. He had to leave the classroom because of a nose bleed and one of the other students made a rude comment about it so he mentioned it. The other person I knew was helped by medication but was still too dysfunctional to live a normal life.

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05 Aug 2011, 9:17 am

catlover02 wrote:
Nostromos wrote:
My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

My mom has Schizophrenia too. I am really glad that I found someone else that has a parent with Schizophreniia. My mom's Schizophrenia has been getting a lot worse because she will NOT stop hearing voices that are NOT there and she has been off her meds since last December. :(
My mother has recently developed the symptoms. The doctor agrees she should be on medication but it's very difficult because she refuses to believe that what she sees and hears is not real.


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05 Aug 2011, 4:07 pm

My Great aunt is schizophrenic. I have never met her because she scared my Mum when she was just a girl (she thought my Mum and her cousin were laughing about her). My Grandma tells me a lot about her though. Apparently she was one of four children (my Grandma being one of them) and my Great Grandma refused to put her into an institution even when she discovered the diagnosis. There was a time when she was very unstable and on and off various medications but one day she met the man of her dreams and married him. They had two children, however the first was taken into adoption because this was the 1970's and schizophrenics could not be parents back then. The first child is now back in contact with her mother and the family and she is such a nice person.

Her husband cares for her and has done for many years. She is more of the 'crazy but harmless' kind of schizophrenic rather than a dangerous type. Last I heard she was no longer on medication and her husband was coping just fine. There is an interesting documentary on Schizophrenia on Youtube (a Dr. Phil episode) and although the second part is missing, the rest is fascinating.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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05 Aug 2011, 6:56 pm

Not that I know of, but it's possible (I have a lot of relatives!)

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06 Aug 2011, 6:45 am

Jellybean wrote:
My Great aunt is schizophrenic. I have never met her because she scared my Mum when she was just a girl (she thought my Mum and her cousin were laughing about her). My Grandma tells me a lot about her though. Apparently she was one of four children (my Grandma being one of them) and my Great Grandma refused to put her into an institution even when she discovered the diagnosis. There was a time when she was very unstable and on and off various medications but one day she met the man of her dreams and married him. They had two children, however the first was taken into adoption because this was the 1970's and schizophrenics could not be parents back then. The first child is now back in contact with her mother and the family and she is such a nice person.

Her husband cares for her and has done for many years. She is more of the 'crazy but harmless' kind of schizophrenic rather than a dangerous type. Last I heard she was no longer on medication and her husband was coping just fine. There is an interesting documentary on Schizophrenia on Youtube (a Dr. Phil episode) and although the second part is missing, the rest is fascinating.



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12 Jan 2012, 8:13 am

I think I can safely say my dad has a disorder, and we don't know what it is. Undiagnosed doesn't mean 'normal', I believe I definitely have something in my genes.

My mum has some narcissistic characteristics, which may or may not be considered 'normal'.

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12 Jan 2012, 11:32 am

catlover02 wrote:
Nostromos wrote:
My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

My mom has Schizophrenia too. I am really glad that I found someone else that has a parent with Schizophreniia. My mom's Schizophrenia has been getting a lot worse because she will NOT stop hearing voices that are NOT there and she has been off her meds since last December. :(

Maybe I read that wrong, but I certianly hope you are not expecting that she can make herself stop hearing voices that aren't there.

We won't go back.


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12 Jan 2012, 12:28 pm

my uncle is schizophrenic


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13 Jan 2012, 9:19 am

my brother is dx'd schizophrenic and he doesn't do the psych thing, no meds.


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13 Jan 2012, 12:54 pm

All of my relatives subscribe to the same paranoid conspiracy theory. They believe in an evil supernatural creature that telepathically sends people indecent and sinful thoughts, and another supernatural being that constantly watches them and keeps a checklist about their behavior.

They further believe that most people are influenced by the evil supernatural entity, and are completely unaware that they are doing his bidding. Everybody who doesn't subscribe to their ideas is regarded as a mind-controlled agent of evil, like something from the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Whereas they regard themselves as the only true followers of the other, benevolent superpowered entity, who will reward them after their death (they believe themselves to be immortal) and throw everyone else into a lake of fire.

They also engage in "magical thinking", as psychiatrists call it, and believe that if they direct their thoughts at their superpowered protector, he might grant them a wish or alter reality in their favor. On top of that, they see signs and patterns everywhere. Everything around them is somehow connected to or controlled by supernatural forces. And then there is their disturbing end-of-the-world belief. They are actually looking forward to an apocalyptic event that involves another world war and a superpowered battle between good and evil invisible forces. It's a full-blown conspiracy theory if you ask me.

But for some strange reason, medical specialists and society in general view these beliefs as completely normal and sane. I, on the other hand, try my best to be an entirely rational person, and I got diagnosed with schizophrenia. Go figure :roll:


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13 Jan 2012, 12:57 pm

Great post, CrazyCatLord. You're right.

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21 Jan 2012, 10:49 am

My Mum has paranoid schizophrenic and her granddad, my great grandad had mental health problems. He found life too stressful and jumped off a train in the 1940's. My mum's sister, my auntie has Bipolar and two of her daughters have Bipolar. My mum had 3 children, I am the youngest. She had a "normal" life up to that point, my nan described her as an anxious child. She had me and my two brothers within four years and this is what we have been told triggered her schizophrenia. She had bad psychosis after she had me and this led on to the schizophrenia. She was in lock up for 3 years on and off within the first 5 years of my life, they gave her electric therapy which wiped her memory of that time. BUT didn't help her :0(

I have been worried in my life that it may trigger in me, but after having four son's and a lot of stress in my life. I seem to "Touch Wood" be ok. The reason I am on this forum is because my 8 year old sons teachers think that he has aspergers and my eldest son who is 16 has Passive aversion syndrome, my 13 year old has ADHD and my husband has Bipolar. I do worry a lot about my 16 especially, he finds life very scary and has a lot of worries about the future. I think I know deep down he has a high chance of developing schizophrenia because of the way he has been over the last 4 years.

Can I just say please, I have Never witnessed my mum being violent. She did defend herself in hospital when pinned down by the Dr's but I am sure anyone would do the same. She has had such a hard life and I am very sad that I never knew the lady she was before she had me and developed this sad life altering condition. She is stable to the point of what she wants in life. TV, Coffee and cigarettes, that is her life she is isolated but you know what, I am amazed as she is now living independently in her own little flat with her cat.