yeah, totally. I can't stand it when more than one person is talking to me at the same time. Sure, I feel like closing my ears. Or my daughter is listening to music on her tablet and my husband is listening to something else on his ipad! (Ah, I just want to scream) Then one gerbil is spinning in his wheel, the other one is chewing cardboard! It's WAY TOO MUCH and I can't think!! !! ! but seriously, lately, I think the gerbils spend hours and hours spinning on the wheel just to mock me like, like they are saying, "we work out all night long and you can't even do 15 minutes of cardio you lazy bum!! !! !
I hate talking to people in groups, it's such an effort. You have to pay attention to everyone and it's impossible then sometimes your mind wanders and then you have no idea what's going on in the conversation because you missed part of it.
Or someone is talking to you and you are thinking about what you are going to say next and then you miss something they said, so now it's your turn to reply and you are not sure what to say cuz you know you missed something and maybe you will sound like an idiot if you say the wrong thing.
I just have Adult onset ADD though. I don't know if this is even an ADD issue, maybe everyone else is just like me. Whenever I say I do something thinking that I'm weird, everyone else says they are the same way too. Examples: I have terrible memory. Everyone says they have terrible memory too. Yesterday in Lab, I brought my own printed paper which has 4 circles with graphed lines so I could do my sketches of the mitotic cells and this guy is like, why are you using that paper, and I told him cuz I can't do sketches on a plain sheet of paper cuz it's too confusing and I just don't know where to draw and it's too disorganized and he's like, yeah me too!! !! !