Help, and is this scitzifrinia?
I'm different and I have a feeling because i'm different that god expects things from me and that i'll be able to hold onto my mistakes that I've made in life and be responsible for other people going to hell. I know logic says no one is different than anybody else and there might not be a god or a heaven or a hell, but I feel that way and i'm right almost all the time so that doesn't help. The problem is is it gives me social phobia.
Last edited by Bailey05 on 27 Jul 2013, 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
As someone said before, only a pdoc can make a schizophrenia diagnosis.
From what I know and have expierenced of psychosis though, the fact that you are able to tell it's not real and doesn't make sense, even if it feels that way, is a sign that it probably isn't.
It could be something else though.
Hello Bailey05,
I've the feeling that you are younger and don't know that much about schizophrenia.
Noone can diagnose you here in a forum. We even don't know you in person, it doesn't work that easy.
The best is, you go to a psychiatrist and talk to him about your problems and worries.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
As the others have said, only a trained psychologist is able to diagnose you with anything; from what you have described, however, I would consider looking into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specifically a form of it as centered around religion (this is a pretty good article: Best of luck and health to you!
I am not a textbook case of any particular disorder; I am an abstract, poetic portrayal of neurovariance with which much artistic license was taken.
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Hey man or woman, schizophrenia? It's a stupid label. If u think u are paranoid, then u can see someone then get on pills to calm u down. But I would not over-think it....To me it's that our society is so conformed. No one is different? That's bull. People are so different, what u should do is see a commonality between other people. Social phobia IDK what it means, it can be tiresome if u want to be alone a lot...I found it helps to make a small effort. The hell stuff I dont know haha. I mean u cant think that stuff. If u want to look at it this way, schizophrenia is such a bs label it's at this point so bs it should be off the freaking map, and u cant send people to hell. U need to get out of the box.
God is a cool thought but I believe in God. God isn't the kind that hurts or ruins people no that is medicine. lol.
Your Aspie score: 159 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 61 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better." Martin Luther King, Jr.

God expects things of you.... classic Christian viewpoint.
After death, your mistakes in life go with you... another typical Christian viewpoint.
And don't a lot of Christians view it as their personal crusade to try and convert others to Christianity in order to "save them from going to hell" ?
As for whether such religious views would be indicative of Schizophrenia, well that's a mighty controversial topic.... because to most people who're not Christian, many Christian attitudes and beliefs seem to be completely out of touch with reality and totally implausible.
But what I can say, is that the prevalent attitude of mental health professionals would be that widespread religious views are by definition not schizophrenic in nature.
That is very unfortunate though, that you have been developing social phobia.
Hey man or woman, schizophrenia? It's a stupid label. If u think u are paranoid, then u can see someone then get on pills to calm u down. But I would not over-think it....To me it's that our society is so conformed. No one is different? That's bull. People are so different, what u should do is see a commonality between other people. Social phobia IDK what it means, it can be tiresome if u want to be alone a lot...I found it helps to make a small effort. The hell stuff I dont know haha. I mean u cant think that stuff. If u want to look at it this way, schizophrenia is such a bs label it's at this point so bs it should be off the freaking map,
I'd really appreciate it if you spent a week in the psych ward before coming to that conclusion. I've watched people bang there heads against the wall in an effort to stop the voices. I myself have done that. In a bad episode of mental illness, I'm convinced people are trying to kill me, that I have to kill them first to stop them, don't really leave the house and when I do, go armed. Which is pretty much illegal over here. And I was lucky to not have been arrested for having a flip knife concealed in my jeans pocket. But, I was more worried about being attacked by the gang I was sure was waiting for, and kept looking around to see if there any snipers trying to shoot me down.
Psychosis isn't just paranoia. You see things, you hear things...and all the evidence seems to point towards your mind is telling you. Can you tell the difference between the thoughts and voices in your head, and somebody talking to you? A person in full blown psychosis may well not be able to, and will be hearing there thoughts as if someone said them. You see things that aren't there. When you look behind you, you're sure someone was following you. You saw them...then they hid behind that bush. When you look out the window, you another human being looking in before he disappears, fast.
Trying to explain to a psychotic person that these things aren't real, would be about as effective as me telling you the sky was not actually blue, but pink.
In reply to someone else, can religion be psychotic? Yup. In hospital, I met a guy who'd to heaven supposedly, where an angel called Michael, who told him that he had to go to Israel immediately, and that he was "the chosen one" who would save the world. To do this, he was sell all property, and to use credit. He ended up buying a whole load of odd things that were supposed to win the war.The angel reasurred him that god would wipe clean the debt.
Thankfully, his sister managed to convince him to go into hospital.
I don't know. This site isn't so great for social anxiety, so what I do know comes from another site. It could have happened for any reason. Bullying at some point, trauma....or perphaps the expectations of others that she has to act this way have made it so.
I don't think it's psychosis though. There is religion-related psychosis, but generally that has to do with the person believing they are god, or something.
It reminds me slightly of OCD. Someone described to me as a voice saying "if you don't do things this way, something REALLY REALLY bad is going to happen." That person in particular had an extreme case, bad enough to need to hospitalized, but she only did the repetive behaviours because she was worried that if she didn't, her mum would die.
And OCD isn't, popular to contrary belief, always about repetitive behaviors.