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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Aug 2018, 2:36 pm

Do any of you have OCD with ASD? If so, what kind of OCD do you have?

I suffer with false memory OCD and health OCD. I also hide sharp objects because I have an obsessive fear that i'll sleep walk and hurt people. I know that OCD is a common thing for people with ASD to have, but OCD obviously has a lot of themes and I have been led to believe that ritualistic OCD is more common with ASD than 'Pure O' OCD.


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08 Aug 2018, 3:18 pm

Germaphobe here

Child of the Universe

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08 Aug 2018, 4:10 pm

I’ve had OCD in the past although I don’t know what type it was. Mostly numbers and patterns I think. I had CBT for it which worked pretty well.

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08 Aug 2018, 6:18 pm

Yup, pretty significant OCD here. I am almost at 150mg of an SSRI, which I think has helped a bit with the OCD; much more so with depression and anxiety resulting from it. Personally, I experience both “Pure O” and ritualistic obsessions/compulsions to about the same degree. I have had OCD since I was born, and I have had most obsessions, although some have been mild, with the exception of the more classic contamination and hoarding obsessions. In fact, I kind of have an obsession that is kind of like the opposite of hoarding (compulsively organizing and throwing away things). My worst one that I have ever had is probably hypochondriasis in the form of fearing psychiatric illnesses rather than physical illness. I have been in CBT for the past two years, but I am pretty stubborn when it comes to therapy :roll: !

Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!

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23 Aug 2018, 8:03 am

I had bad OCD on top of my Aspegers. I had lots of phases with it at different times & it's kind of too many forms to mention. The med Neurontin/Gabapentin helps it a lot

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23 Aug 2018, 8:17 am

I had OCD episodes long ago. Not any more.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Aug 2018, 6:35 pm

I've had many different obsessions over the years, and my main compulsion is checking. It started with fears that someone was going to break into my house and murder me, which led me to check all of the locks on the doors and windows about every 5-10 minutes. With a lot of CBT therapy, that obsession eventually subsided. However, last year my OCD came back very severe. I started to worry that I would have a heart attack in my sleep. As a result, I would try make my self stay up all night to check my pulse. I would sleep in my parents room with hopes that they could resuscitate me just in case it did happen - silly for a then-19 year old right? It got even worse when I would make my parents drive me to the hospital every night. The nurses said I could "just stay in one of the beds for the rest of my life" and being an Aspie I didn't get the sarcasm, and felt a huge sense of relief before being sent home. Eventually I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where I spent 4 months. Now my meds have been changed from antidepressants to antipsychotics, and that has helped a lot.


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24 Sep 2018, 8:13 pm

I've had OCD since at least age 4. My main OCD has always focused on moral scrupulosity, which is basically obsessions about ethical/moral concerns and worrying about getting into trouble. My main compulsion is confessing things I've said/done that I think are "bad" to someone I trust, usually my mother. For certain things, I will have panic attacks on and off until I can confess, even if I can't confess for a few days. The anxiety never leaves until I can confess. This is why CBT didn't work for me. One of my obsessions is breaking a law and going to jail. I often mentally "check" and ruminate over what I've done and said to make sure I didn't do something "wrong." The earliest manifestation of my moral scrupulosity was when I was 4 and I started what my mom called "tattling on myself." Everything I did that I thought was "bad" had to be confessed. The one example that happened a lot was, "Mommy, I touched my shoe." I guess I thought this was bad because it was germy.


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27 Sep 2018, 2:53 pm

Hypercoaster wrote:
I've had OCD since at least age 4. My main OCD has always focused on moral scrupulosity, which is basically obsessions about ethical/moral concerns and worrying about getting into trouble. My main compulsion is confessing things I've said/done that I think are "bad" to someone I trust, usually my mother. For certain things, I will have panic attacks on and off until I can confess, even if I can't confess for a few days. The anxiety never leaves until I can confess. This is why CBT didn't work for me. One of my obsessions is breaking a law and going to jail. I often mentally "check" and ruminate over what I've done and said to make sure I didn't do something "wrong." The earliest manifestation of my moral scrupulosity was when I was 4 and I started what my mom called "tattling on myself." Everything I did that I thought was "bad" had to be confessed. The one example that happened a lot was, "Mommy, I touched my shoe." I guess I thought this was bad because it was germy.

I had this exact same symptom at the age of 8-10. I would have thoughts that I consider bad, and would be forced to confess it to my mom, or else have severe anxiety and guilt combined with my chest feeling like its on fire.

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30 Sep 2018, 10:04 am

I was diagnosed with OCD some years ago; I used to shower for an hour every day and get through a bar of soap in a few days, spending all of my pocket money on special antibacterial bars off eBay. I had permanent red splotches on my skin and my forehead used to literally shine. This was all brought on by a BO problem which caused kids at school to tease me.

I was later told that I didn't have OCD, but that the OCD symptoms were a part of my Asperger's. The cleaning obsessions have long since gone away, but I still have obsessive and compulsive behaviours.


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30 Sep 2018, 10:28 am

I have Pure O. I have mental images of me harming people or things harming people all the time. It used to be unbearable but now it's more or less under control with medication.