When I was a kid I ate anything. But over time I've become so aware of hygiene issues and cross contamination. Cafe food doesn't bother me. My wife's food is great.
But that's where it ends.
I hate public park BBQs (I've seen what adolescents do to them). I'm not impressed by kitchen standards at friend's houses, or how parents with babies carry those drooling germ carriers while preparing food. I hate how kids (into their teens) contaminate the butter with crumbs and other food residue. How they sneeze over food, pick their noses and don't wash their hands adequately after flushing.
When visiting others, I decline their food and beverages.
Not rational. They've survived after all. But phobias aren't rational.
So, now a potential crisis is looming. Some friends have bought a new house and they want us to visit and to stay for several days.
They'll be doing all the cooking.
So I either overcome my issues or make for a very uncomfortable time for everyone else.
Don't know what to do.
assumption makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.