Rages or Anger Anyone?
My partner was talking the other day and said that if I cant 'be myself' and let the things out that I do, that I get upset or in a bad mood, or rage. Does this sound familiar to anyone here? I think it was an eye opener for me because I know I get tense if I have to hold myself in tightly and I start to get aches and pains everywhere and get very tired. I wasn't aware that she could tell that easily though.
Simple answer:
Take some fish oil, and study anger management methods. Make sure you're getting plenty of exercise and keeping yourself hydrated, and don't let yourself get bored or go into brooding. In fact, if you start brooding, do something to firmly shake yourself out of it.
Supplementary material:
When I go into a rage, I throw myself aggressively into some cleaning chore that I usually wouldn't care much about. It can't be something everyday or domestic, or I develop an "abused slave" complex and just get angrier. But if it's something that I can do and say, "I told you it would look better," over, I get a sense that I'm taking charge. Feeling in control is important.
Also, try telling people, "my bark is worse than my bite." I think it's a chronic problem for people with Tourettes to actually look a lot angrier and more hostile than they actually are. It's not that we don't get angry, hostile or violent. We can be as bad as anybody else in practical terms. But we're not worse just because some of us look sometimes like we've come down with demonic possession. It just looks bad and scares anyone who is skittish or superstitious.
And drink plenty of water. I know it sounds plain and ordinary, but dehydration can cause a person's temper to become rather fragile.
Finally, something that helps to reduce my rage threshold is to engage regularly in some activity that increases the blood flow to my brain, such as dancing or jogging. I have a theory on why: based on my reading, this kind of exercise might help improve the health of your hippocampus. Your hippocampus acts as a gate-keeper for your brain, among other things. It also helps in creating new memories, and it is the first part of your brain that is affected by poor dietary decisions or a lack of exercise. Keeping it healthy can help alleviate problems such as depression and other mood-related issues.
However, if none of that works, you could always go talk to a psychiatrist.
I get rage attacks which are usually the result of holding tics in or trying to 'act normal' in public. Eventually I just burn out and end up in a complete blind rage smashing everything and shouting at everything and everyone. I used to be quite violent as well but that's pretty much dissappeared with age. I've yet to find a solution to my particular rages. Oh yeah, my psychiatrist doesn't even know what TS is let alone how to help with my rages
I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite


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Thanks for the replies. I've been trying ot get more healthy, I make sure I kick a ball about the park with the dog everyday at least once too. I'm not well so I find it difficult to do at times because I have foot and leg problems and inner ear issues which mean I can get vertigo within minutes and start puking all the time, but thats Menieres or SCD for you
My psychologist is a good guy but I find it hard to make him understand just how bad things are with me. I dont mean anger wise because I did do an anger management course that he run with a small group but that used to wear me out. I'd spend half the time trying to keep myself still and not to say things out loud that I just wore myself out. My psychiatrist who I have to see about the ADHD meds said maybe I have some sort of tic disorder but he didn't know much about it.
My family have always said it since I was very young but they told the doctors who said 'probably not' apparently so I'm kind of stuck. I dont take my meds for ADHD now because I'm waiting to have a sleep study done too. Thats if my GP doesn't change his mind because he has said he will send me somewhere before then three weeks later I get a call from the secretary saying they aren't reffering me?????
Either way my sleep is very bad, I have to take an anti-depressant just to get sleep and to stop pain from fibromyalgia and CFS but I still dont sleep very well. I jump about, I keep my girlfriend awake she says and well it's getting stupid now. I'm constantly worn out but I still keep pushing, keep trying ot stay awake and to keep healthy. I'm over weight now so I know it's not enough but it is already killing me to do the things I do like take the dog out and even getting up.
In less than an hour I woke myself up five times jumping in bed. I wasn't dreaming either, Im ean I know everybody gets those dreams they are falling or whatever and can jump awake before they hit the ground, I get those too but not often. This other thing I just dont now what it is, well most of us are pretty sure but it's just getting the right help for it now, it's gone on for far too long.
I['m sick pf people being nasty to me, laughing at me, shouting at me even when I'm out, I'm sick of upsetting people, family even when I dont set out to upset them. My Mam has OCD and is very obssessional about her housework etc, and she makes noises like I do too, she does things so many times like me aswel, she goes mad when she buys clothes, I mean she bought eight pair of the same jeans one day. I'm certainly not that bad when it comes to buying things, I cant afford it, but I know there is possibly OCD with me too, but my psychs dont seem to realise just how bad things are.
I write things down alot because it's embarressing for me to talka bout these things. It's hard too because I never used to talk to anyone, even at home at one point I'd never look at or talk to any of my family either. I dont like going out anymore, I will with my gf and the dog obviously and to go shopping etc but I have to be in the mood to go other places, I have to be ok enough to be able to take anyones stares, comments, even threats at times, and even if I look ok about them while I'm out, when people do say things it does really hurt me inside.
I shouted out recently in a queue of people 'come on' really loud and everyone turned around, I mean thats probably more impulsiveness, to do with my ADHD so my psych tells me but this woman who had been served turned around and shouted 'who said that' and she was amgry and looking for whoever it was, I was so ashamed that I tried to hide behind my girlfriend, I mean how pathetic is that? A thirty year old guy hiding behind his twenty year old girlfriend I feel pathetic, I feel stupid, I hate myself.
Thank you for sharing that, Iame. I have actually had seizures of the kind you describe, where it's like your body jumps up in bed on its own, and they are quite commonplace in my family. We are almost surprised to find out that someone would find them unusual. If I were more superstitious, I would believe that a demonic force had been holding me suspended over the bed.
Melatonin might help you keep those "jumping in bed" episodes under control, and I myself have found it to be a valuable resource. You can find it at your pharmacy where the supplements are. However, make sure that you tell your general practitioner or family doctor that you are taking it, as with any over-the-counter supplement. Taking advice from your peers is one thing, but your doctor is ultimately the steward and guardian of your health.
Don't forget about the fish oil. It does have amazing benefits, and it is known to help alleviate rages associated with TS.
And your hypersensitivity definitely points to the idea that you might benefit from trying to improve the bloodflow to your brain in various ways, including by keeping yourself hydrated. I used to take a lot of warm showers and let the water massage the back of my neck. You have to take care of your hippocampus because it truly is your first line of defense against stress.
You and your girl take care. The best to you both.
I have to be careful with how much a drink, I rarely drink alcohol, but I mean water etc. It's commonly known that Menieres seems to play up more when you've drank more fro some reason. Though I had to have a CT scan just a few days ago to rule out something called SCD before they put my vertigo problems down to Menieres.
And yes Jellybean it is horrible, well the vertigo and dizziness is. It can take people off their feet for hours and even days. I thought I was bad having full on vertigo and sickness for fiftten and a half hours and then I start to bleed inside but some people have that full on effect for days and days. If it ever got that bad I dont think I'd want to live, it was bad enough getting vertigo every few days with no rest from the dizziness inbetween, it's no life so I dont envy anyone who has Menieres Disease at all, it's terrible.
I see what you mean Descartes, I used to have alot of anger inside and used to go m ad when I couldn't get things done, like when I had vertigo for instance I'd get very upset and angry because things needed doing around the house etc and I couldn't do them, I was in bed because I couldn't move without being sick and I couldn't see because of the vertigo.
I have a short fuse with myself because of being quite clumsy too, dropping things for reasons which I cant understand, banging into things, I'm deaf in one ear too so I get very disorientated when I have to go out shopping etc and I used to end up raging everytime I went out aswel because of getting dizzy, disorientated, because of how people are so nasty to me etc.
The anger management has helped I think, I forget a lot of the things we talked about because I was so tensed up and holding myself in all the time. I'm quite shy too so I didn't like talking in the group as I dont really talk to people if I can help it. I think now my rages are because like my girlfriend says, I have to hold myself in around people and it wears me out. I cant let them see me like I am, it took a fair while before I could be myself infront of my girlfriend. I met her at college as we were on the same course. I was older than most and I am quite proud that I actually went and did the course because I dont like going places on my own. I never spoke to anyone on the course if I could help it, I used to keep mself in, luckily it was very noisy and physical which was a great challenge too but it meant that we weren't stuck in a lecture all day, we were buildinga nd paintinga nd decorating etc. Lots of youths running around making lots of noise and messing about, not my thing at all, but then it meant I could fade into the distance so that was one good thing about it.
My problem is the rages though still, even after the anger management. i hate myself, I literally tear at the skin on my chest, I have ripped my hair out numerous times, so it's shaved now so I cant get at it, but I feel so useless all the time, so pathetic. I went to the gym a short while ago on my own, I went mad in there making myself have a high heart rate, I was thinking to myself 'now shout something out, you cant can you because you're so knackered' and I think I was punishing myself in a way because of how I am. I'm angry, pissed off and I dont know, just tired all the time, very tired at having to hide myself everytime I go out the door, tired of having to feel embarressed and ashamed all the time and tired of other people being so mean to me.
I do have rages though with meds i take they have been less or maybe something in my environment has been helping me i don't know really. For me it is being overstimulated by people, noises, lights and just feeling overwhelmed and also someone saying something to set me off at the wrong time. I scream, slam doors, break things sometimes when i go through rages. I hold in my stims and try to act typical and that stresses me out so i need a release and if i don't get that i blow up. But i am happy it has been less with meds in my case. I heard good things about fish oil and my daughter is taking that too for focus and it helps with mood i think. I don't have a helpful therapist at this moment but i hope to find ways to deal with it when i feel a rage coming on.
I definitely have Anger problems. I hae taken Anger Management before and it didn't really work, I think it was my therapist though. I am planning on taking another Anger Manegment course or trying to find another therapist to help with my anger issues. My anger affects my every day life so it needs to get fixed and asap.

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Took the words right out of my mouth Seph.
I think for me it happens when I'm manic. I just get agitated and I have the energy to act out. I just need a trigger to push me over the edge and it can be something small...
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill? -Cypher, Matrix
"I don't have pet peeves. I have major psychotic f**king hatreds." --George Carlin
Ask my relatives about my temper problems and you'll be listening for a week. I've put my share of holes in walls. I feel blood boiling rage several times a day. I can control it most of the time and you would never know what kind of hurricane is raging inside my head, but I'm not always good at hiding it.
I have a lot of anger that is built up inside of me because I was rejected and hurt so much in the past and I was also abused in the past. Anything can make me angry and I get angry really easily. I have anger and rebellion issues. What are some things that I can do when I get angry? How do I calm down when I'm angry? thanks, I don't think I'm a bad person though. My anger used to be a lot worse, but my anger isn't as bad as it was years ago.