These side effects are really common and they should subside somewhere between 1-2 weeks. The worst side effects for me were constantly over-heating and needing to sleep every afternoon for a few hours. The sexual side effects are like other (illicit) drugs, where it's difficult to get going, but when you do, it's much more intense than usual. If they're going to help, you'll know around 4-6 weeks. The first time I took citalopram (40mg) after that time frame I felt like a totally different person, walking on clouds and genuinely happy! After 6 months I decided in my drug-induced wisdom that I didn't need them and then gradually descended back into my old self! I've been prescribed them since, but I've never felt like that again. My doctor said there was no reason for them to no longer work, but they didn't! I was then prescribed Sertraline (100mg), but again nothing! Has anyone else experienced this? Is it common? What can I do? My advise is to stick with the citalopram and hopefully it will work for you like it did for me the first time around. Also never discontinue abruptly, it's like your worst ever hangover x100.