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14 Feb 2011, 9:06 pm

RiverNight wrote:
I have AS, tourettes, and the docs cant deside if its bipolar, mood, anxiety, ocd or other..... I am a mixed bag but not on meds yet 8)

I have noticed that if you have AS combined with another psych problem, doctors have a harder time diagnosing and treating a problem because you don't look like a "typical" patient.


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15 Feb 2011, 10:51 am

OCD, Foreign Accent Syndrome, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dyscalculia and a little something called immaturity. :D


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16 Feb 2011, 9:47 am

Never been diagnosed with anything.

But from what I can tell, I have some of these things: AS (many things about myself fit under this category), ADHD (I can't stay still. I tend to pace a lot, and I can't concentrate), bipolar (sometimes I can't stand the anger or the sadness), and probably anxiety.


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17 Feb 2011, 3:52 pm

My main diagnosis is Dyspraxia, but I was also considered by a doctor that I have AS, but it wasn't an official diagnosis. They considered me having AS because of my sensory issues, social delays, strict obsession with routine, and my obsessive interests (although people with Dyspraxia can have obsessions too). My social delays aren't as least as the typical Aspie, but they aren't as most as the typical NT. But some people with Dyspraxia can have a few social difficulties too.

But as I've got to about 18, I've began getting very anxious, and it has got worse since than. By now I worry about things what I never did before, for example I worry about people looking at me in the street - and I never worried about that before at all. In fact the worry never crossed my mind. This anxiety was triggered off one very snowy winter, when we had a lot of ice, and once I kept slipping over and people kept sniggering and laughing at me, which made me think that people are so judgemental over the silliest childish thing, and then from then on I keep thinking everyone's watching me and seeing my every move I make, and the anxiety has stuck with me. Anyway, my point is my social worker says that my anxiety disorder seems a lot bigger than my AS and Dyspraxia put together, because everything I do, say and think is based around fear and anxiety. And she also said that I think of other people too much and what they're thinking, and that I don't think about my own self much, which is why I'm too busy trying to impress others that I'm not trying to concentrate on sorting out my own life.


Emu Egg
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18 Feb 2011, 10:00 pm

I do not know what to do with myself. I have been dx with Aspergers, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and my favorite Impulsiveness. I have also had numerous psychotic episodes.

I have been on multiple combinations of drugs one of which put me over the edge. The current coctail is Lamictal, Xanax, Zyprexa. I am supose to take Ambien, but it does not seem to be working. I was on Lunesta but my insurance will no longer pay for it.

My sleep is deteroriating again and with that gradually I am unable to function. I have gone 8 weeks with 16 hours of sleep. I am not sure how I was existing during that time.

Tufted Titmouse
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22 Feb 2011, 6:30 pm

I have...

•Asthma (EIA)

I will need braces.

Although my AS diagnosis isn't official, many counselors have suspected me to have AS. I think a lot of the traits fit me, too.

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23 Feb 2011, 6:57 am

I haven"t been diagnosed AS as of yet but now i have
Schizoid personality disorder, social anxiety, depression, OCD, Learning disability, and ADHD. I have struggled all my life through school with academics and making friends amongst other issues.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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03 Mar 2011, 1:05 am

In addition to AS, I also have dysmic depression and social anxiety. I was just diagnosed w/ dysthmia about 5 months ago. I'm seeing a counsellor but it hasn't helped much. I'm just tired of being sick. The dysthmia has caused the most problems for me. I don't even mind my AS.

People who claim to know everything usually know very little.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Mar 2011, 1:20 pm

I thought for years that I suffering from just aspergers and felt at loss to explain my inability to shut up when rubbed wrong, my lack of bring things to conclusion, my quickness to get in fits of anger, punching holes in walls, just utter lack of being able to keep the house clean and orgenized. All while have alienated myself from rooms full of people thinking it was just as and not my ADHD I decided I was hopless and I was stuck the way that I am. So I vowed to islolate myself from other people when time after time my uncontrollable anger would rear its' head and get me trouble again. I began thinking that I was evil or the that it was because I had sold my soul to the devil back in high school for a girl. I just did not understand why I could not stop and prayed and begged that it would be taken from me only to find I was cussing the next person out flying into a rage over something minor shortly afterward and did not know why. Then I post this prombelm here and wonderful person posted this video about this doc speaking about the inabliity of the person with ADHD has over there emotions. That the ADHD person is more likely recat when something rubbs them the wrong way. Then I watch another couple of his videos online and they explained everything that I had been dealing with over the past 10 years and I had finally after years had found the why. I still hoping to find treatment. But now I know what I need treatment from and as is a big part of life but adhd has made life unliveable.


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19 Mar 2011, 1:33 pm

I have anxiety and sometimes wonder if I don't have AS and just have anxiety.


Canadian, young adult, student demisexual-heteroromantic, cisgender female, autistic


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20 Mar 2011, 2:29 am

Ive gotten the following diagnosis's
I think they can all be explained by something of that spectrum so Ill catagorize why I think I got these diagnosis's

Due to Aspergers-

Autistic Disorder
Neurological Developmental Disorder
Sensory Intergration Dysfunction
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Due to ADHD/LD-

Learning Disorder NOS
Writting Disorder (Dysgraphia)
Inadequate Personality Disorder

Due to Schizo-

Disorganized Schizophrenia
Unspecified Schizophrenia
Schizoaffective Bipolar Type
Schizoaffective Unspecified Type
Psychosis NOS
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Major Depression with Mood Incongruent Psychotic Features

Due to Subarachnoid Cyst-

Hypersomnia of Centeral Origin vs Narcolepsy
Essential Parkinsonian Tremor
Posterial Fossa Subarachnoid Cyst

Thats all I can remember off the top of my head.


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20 Mar 2011, 2:53 am

Holy crap Carl, that's a ton. :lol:

I'm diagnosed with nothing yet, but I seem to have:

Asperger's Syndrome
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Schizoid, Borderline, and Avoidant Personality Disorders
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

And as far as I know that's all. :P


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20 Mar 2011, 3:51 am

Yea, Ive been going to psychologists on and off since I was 5 and they can never argee on what to call it. I think I just have my own thing.


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20 Mar 2011, 7:54 pm

I have Chronic Tic Disorder, and if this vocal tic I have continues for a year I'll have Tourette's syndrome. Tourette's syndrome is the only thing my parents are worried about me having, because I'm going through my adolescence years right now and I still have my tics, when they should be long gone when I first hit puberty. I also might have Anxiety, because I get sick often, mostly due to the fact that I don't want to go to school. I don't like being around other people, it scares me to the point of paranoia. I've been suspecting that I might have ADHD for a while, but I generally get good grades in school so my parents aren't too worried.


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21 Mar 2011, 9:06 am

I have OCD. It used to be severe, but it's getting better. However, I still worry too much about acting normal, I still wash my hands too much, and I still think about my speech.

I think I have ADHD, but my mom disagrees.

Tufted Titmouse
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21 Mar 2011, 11:32 am

Have been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and depression in the past, along with Aspergers. Though I refuse to let myself be diagnosed anymore, from research I done I fit most of the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder and C-PTSD, but I just try my best to deal with life as it comes at me and not worry too much about the labels.