sylbao wrote:
Of course I don't have anything against people with bipolar, tourette, schizophrenia and else.
But am I not on "the online resource and community for Autism and Asperger's" here ?
I don't understand this extension.
Wrong Planet Forums Forum Index -> Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions
Is Tourette a psychological condition?
Also, the many, many epilepsies could be included too since there are many instances of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE)/Complex Partials which are really epilepsy, not schizophrenia.
The many epilepsies are classified as neurological, not psychological. That's my understanding.
It seems to me the new category is meant perhaps as a new category called: Other (which includes almost everything/everything).
That's my two cents on the topic so to speak.