Julz wrote:
Hello all,
I am new here by the way, just know me as Julz. I'm 18 and not only am I Aspergian, I also have a mental disability called an Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Not many people have heard of this disorder and I've not ever met someone who has this at all.
An Intermittent Explosive Disorder (abbreviated to IED), as I quote from Wikipedia, is a behavioural disorder characterised by extreme expressions of anger, often to the point of uncontrollable rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand. Aka, you can explode anywhere, any time whatsoever and without warning over the smallest of things. For example I once got very angry and frustrated over not finding the mop to wash the house floors. I also recently had a breakdown after I was overwhelmed on my first day of Diploma of Music.
I'm wondering if there's anyone else here who suffers from this disorder. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 17 with both Aspergers and this. As soon as I found out I had IED, I went 'OH MY GOD, THAT'S WHY I HAVE SUCH A HORRID TEMPER'. I couldn't believe it. I knew I had autism but never that! So does anyone here have IED by chance? I could help you handle it and maybe you could teach me about it as well.
I think I have this. But my LIST OF DISABILITIES IS ALREADY SO LONG. But really, I've thought for maybe 11 years that I have this or it's impulsivity from my ADHD.