I've also read BS like this.
Like autistics would be immune against schizophrenia...!
There are some opposites, but also a high overlapp of symptoms.
This combination even emerges more often.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I've also read BS like this.
Like autistics would be immune against schizophrenia...!
There are some opposites, but also a high overlapp of symptoms.
This combination even emerges more often.
Thanks Raziel
Yes i've read there are links between the tow
it's difficult to find anything on it on line
i've searched but can't find much
I am currently being treated and labeled as "schizoaffective". I have mood swings (so I know I have something). Unfortunately, I also sometimes believe I have telecommunication and can talk to other people (alive people who actually exist) with only my brain. I hear the voice or another person, and sometimes hear their voice in my head before even hearing it aloud. I know sounds weird, but it isn't really.
My mom (and medical doctor) believe it's Aspergers with an affective disorder. I always felt uncomfortable around other people and was constantly shy. Having people reach out to me is like friend or enemy we have an understanding and I have your attention. I also have a history of social anxiety (severe during childhood and adolescents), so this is a method that made me feel less alone. I also have a very vivid imagination, but know what's going on around me. Yesterday, my mom told me "I always believed that (Asperger) was your (my) main problem with something of mood whatever-you-want-to-call-it."
Warm Air
I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 1991 and asperger's last summer. I've probably always had both as I was speech delayed. I attribute the schizoaffective to having been repeatedly suffocated with a pillow by an older brother beginning in infancy and wanting to return to the bardo, unborn state. A doctor recently told me that of course I'd be speech delayed if I was so unwelcomed into the world. I've had 4 psychotic episodes which get more elaborate and lengthy each time and seem to fit some mythic "hero's journey" with ordeals, allies, adversaries, incredible responsibilities, supernatural powers, and gifts. I return with grandiose ideas and then crash into depression. The latest episode followed alpha brain-wave biofeedback and was fortunately uninterrupted by police, angry neighbors, etc. and completed itself naturally with me singing the world into existence while the sun rose. I'm left with a new ability to project geometric figures (mostly stars and eyes) onto any flat surface and I'm able to have (it seems) dialogs between my left and right hemispheres. These discussions have helped immensely in settling my depression, anxiety, and anger as one hemisphere seems to have anger issues and the other depression/anxiety. I've been at this a long time, being 62, and off meds since 1992.
I've also read BS like this.
Like autistics would be immune against schizophrenia...!
There are some opposites, but also a high overlapp of symptoms.
This combination even emerges more often.
Ja, have you read this article, especially about MCDD: ... 0046a.html
As for me, I developed psychosis at age 14, for which I was hospitalized, but the full extent of the psychosis wasn't realized and I was diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder in addition to Asperger syndrome. I remembered, though, that I was psychotic for the better part of a 2-month period. The nature of the psychosis is not clear, though, and I made a huge recovery afterward.