Dots wrote:
I got these a few times when I was under a lot of stress and living with a person I was afraid of. I would be falling asleep and all of the sudden I was paralyzed, couldn't move, felt like I was breathing through a straw, and I would see things - one was just a random girl standing next to my bed, not doing anything, not really scary but I felt scared anyway. Another time, the same physical feelings happened and I saw the housemate I was scared of come into my room and walk towards me threateningly. I tried to yell but I was still paralyzed and couldn't move.
Usually I can focus and snap myself out of the paralysis but it's still scary when it happens. I just chalked it up to Sleep Paralysis.
That sounds like Sleep Paralysis to me. I go through phases with it. Happens more when I'm under emotional distress & I haven't had them in a long time.