Do I have schizotypal disorder or even schizophrenia?
I have "delusional" temptations, ideas. I do not believe in them (such as in derealisational ideas saying that other people do not exist). I have obsessive, "schizotypal" suspiciousness about strangers (fear about it that they will harm, kill, poison me). I tend to be "one-sided" in social interactions (it is autistic trait in my opinion). "Normal" social customs may look as nonsense for me.
I think that in America I might be diagnosed with just NLD and (or) anxiety disorder(s), not with something from autism or/and schizophrenia spectrum. I would name my developmental disorder as a sort of schizotypal autism and PDD, not (just) learning and anxiety disorders. I may have mild NLD, but I had really good grades in Maths as a person who may have it. I may "hate" reality because it is cruel and evil. I do not think that it is bad symptom, it is even opposite. I want large changes on world. I "hate" pain, suffering. They are evil. I do not want to suffer nad my fear of larger suffering may be pathological. I have religious problem. I did many stupid, evil things in childhood. It was sick. Why I was so "stupid"?
I do not know what it is exactly, so I may name it humorously "kookiness not otherwise specified" I am not only "nerdy" and "twitty", I see a lot of "fruitcakish" symptoms in my life.
Magical thinking of "whacky" type (such as: if you do not touch the door six times, you mother will die) is a type of "nutty" symptoms for me (I do not want to name people who have it as "nuts", the symptoms are "nutty", not people), it is not something like wearing "lucky" clothes. Not all forms of childhood-onset OCD are "nutty", but magical thinking OCD is for me a "nutty" type of it and may lie also on schizophrenia spectrum.
My sexuality was just "kooky" since childhood (quite early childhood) in my opinion. So childhood-onset sexual derailment is another "branch" of my screwbally symptoms.
About 10 years ago they were even worse than now, I had worse insight. Now "batty" thinking still can occur, but the control is much better and my attitude towards it is other.
I may ignore my mental health state and have too large expectations. I am "bonkers", which may made me unable to any form of marriage in my entire life. I may be sentenced to spend entire life without a partner. I may be afraid of living without family. I am too kooky, immature and "helpless" to be a husband. Allowing me to marriage may be just a kind of irresponsibility. I may be just "handicapped", even if I find a job. Being kooky, "helpless" and markedly immature means a sort of disability.
The psychiatrist wrote yesterday that I have AS (F84.5) with co-occuring schizotypal disorder (F21) which is named as a mental illness, not only disorder. I had been diagnosed with OCD earlier by this psychiatrist. So I was diagnosed with F21, F42 and F84 (mathematical sequence - but it is not so good news).
There is interesting text about something which is for me a (developmental?) blend of schizotypal disorder and OCD:
Evidence of a schizotypy subtype in OCD.
OCD patients represent a heterogeneous mix of clinical phenotypes, likely reflecting a wide range of genetic vulnerabilities. In other medical illnesses, neurobiologically-based traits with a genetic component that are associated with the target disorder have been successfully used to detect patients with a specific genetic liability to disease. The overlap between symptoms of OCD and Schizophrenia suggested that schizotypal traits could have the potential to distinguish a relatively homogeneous subtype of OCD. We obtained schizotypy scores for 119 affected adult probands who met lifetime criteria for DSM-IV OCD. Five subscales from the Structured Interview of Schizotypy were used to assess ideas of reference, suspiciousness, magical thinking, illusions and psychotic-like thought. Selected for their obvious face validity with the cardinal signs of schizophrenia, Cronbach's alpha suggested that these subscales also provided a reliable measure of positive sign schizotypy (0.83). Fifty percent of our OCD sample had mild to severe positive schizotypy signs. t- and chi2 tests of significance suggested seven variables that distinguished OCD patients with schizotypy, including earlier age of onset, greater number of comorbid diagnoses and increased rates of learning disability, aggressive and somatic obsessions and counting and arranging compulsions. Three of these seven variables, including learning disabilities, counting compulsions and history of specific phobia, significantly increased the odds of schizotypy among patients with lifetime OCD. These findings enhanced the validity of the schizotypy construct in OCD. Whether this schizotypy subtype can distinguish a subgroup of patients with relatively homogeneous genetic characteristics waits further investigation.
Last times I sometimes feel "kooky". I have delusional-like thoughts (for example "other people do not exist", "I created everything" - it is completely fruitcakish). Why I am so "nutty"? I was a "nutter" much earlier in my opinion. Magical thinking OCD is a schizotypal trait for me. And not all people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders have to have so crackpot ideas as I. I do not accept such a whacky thoughts, maybe they are reaction to my problems? Magical thinking can "attack" me quite often, but it is quite easy to reject it. I have "residual" suspiciousness about others. Now I have hard time on my studies, I want to end second stage of it. I have no support from my family about my disorder. I did not tell my mother about my F21 diagnosis. My father does not know about AS. I think that I have F21, F42 and F84 and something other (such as SCT).
A disorder characterized by eccentric behavior and anomalies of thinking and affect which resemble those seen in schizophrenia, though no definite and characteristic schizophrenic anomalies have occurred at any stage. There is no dominant or typical disturbance, but any of the following may be present:
Inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof);
Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar;
Poor rapport with others and a tendency to withdraw socially;
Odd beliefs or magical thinking, influencing behavior and inconsistent with subcultural norms;
Suspiciousness or paranoid ideas;
Obsessive ruminations without inner resistance, often with dysmorphophobic, sexual or aggressive contents;
Unusual perceptual experiences including somatosensory (bodily) or other illusions, depersonalization or derealization;
Vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, over-elaborate or stereotyped thinking, manifested by odd speech or in other ways, without gross incoherence;
Occasional transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other hallucinations and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation.
The disorder runs a chronic course with fluctuations of intensity. Occasionally it evolves into overt schizophrenia. There is no definite onset and its evolution and course are usually those of a personality disorder. It is more common in individuals related to people with schizophrenia and is believed to be part of the genetic "spectrum" of schizophrenia.
I think that bolded text may fits me. I had sensory illusions only sporadically. Some of symptoms of F21 may be the result of AS, but some are too strange (such as magical thinking starting in childhood). Maybe I have a sort of developmental schizotypal autism?
The distinction between Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Schizotypal Disorder, Bi-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, OCD, ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder is not clear-cut.
There's a significant overlap in symptoms and genetic correlation between each of these "disorders". Co-morbidity is also very common.
Personally, I lean towards the notion that Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Schizotypal Disorder, Bi-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, OCD, ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder are not individual conditions but as different expressions of the same spectrum.
I would also argue that these are not disorders, but normal variations within human behavior that have been pathologized for no other reason but the rather eccentric and unusual behavior of people within, which makes them more difficult to manipulate and control.
Now I have dreams about marrying an Aspie woman and have children with her who will have all ASD. Non-Aspies looks "alien" and "not so fascinating" as potential members of my family. Why I have such a dreams? What does it means? I do not want to have children who will have hard life, who will be a problem to other people.
I could walk and talk when my father was in my current age. He had driving licence and wife at this age. He was in the army. He does not have an engineer degree despite he as rather good "stricly technical" skills. I am the opposite - I do not have wife, do not have child, do not have driving licence, I was not in the army, I have engineer degree but my "strictly technical" skills are poor... I and my father are first children and we have lower birth weights than our younger siblings. I and my father have a brother and a sister.
When I talked with the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with schizotypal disorder (which was "added" to AS), I asked if I am suitable to be married. The answer was "no". I "randomly" do not want to have partner because celibacy is very valuable. In religion I have "great" problems with confessions. It is "complicated".
I would say that I am a fruitcake. I can have thoughts that I am the Creator, that I created everything or that other persons does not exist. But I do not believe in this crackpot ideas. I can have thoughts that I am predestined to be somebody great, saint. I have great fear of eternal damnation.
My religion is very hard for me. My mentality "hates" examination of conscience and confessing sins. It is responsible and complex. These practices are senseless and confusing for my mentality. All "traditional" religions look to my mentality as unjust, evil and cruel. Ideas such as eternal damnation, Hell are scary and unjust, senseless to my mentality. Materialism is senseless and cruel for me. I do not believe in reincarnation. My mentality hates evil, pain, cruelty, annihilation.
My mentality may look as a mentality of small, "wimpy", "twerpy" somewhat autistic and kooky child. It is not typical Asperger's or schizophrenia. I may be too immature to be married to the end of my life on Earth. I would name it as a sort of pervasive developmental disorder and mental illness. It appears to be pretty "unique" condition.
My religion is very hard for me. My mentality "hates" examination of conscience and confessing sins. It is responsible and complex. These practices are senseless and confusing for my mentality. All "traditional" religions look to my mentality as unjust, evil and cruel. Ideas such as eternal damnation, Hell are scary and unjust, senseless to my mentality. Materialism is senseless and cruel for me. I do not believe in reincarnation. My mentality hates evil, pain, cruelty, annihilation.
I abandoned Christianity when I was 17. My life and the world I was living in made a lot more sense ever since.
Considering how much of a burden it seems to be for you to make sense of yourself in the light of what appears to be a Christian-fundamentalist background, I suggest you consider that option for yourself.
Christianity is a primitive desert religion anyway. If you really do need religion, I suggest looking at eg. Taoism or Hinduism as an alternative. These contain far, far more wisdom...
Personally, I don't need religion at all. The scientific method offers all I need to make sense of my life, to make sense of the world and to develop a healthy sense of morality.
Some things in my religion look "incompatible" with my mentality, but I do not plan and want to lose faith. I do not want to be damned. I do not believe in annihilation of "self" after death (it looks really bad, looks depressing, sad) and I do not believe in reincarnation (it is also sad in some way). I had confession two days ago and I feel "calmed" after it. The priest said that things which I told were not mortal sins. Possiblity of commiting mortal sin is "scary" for me.
There is no such thing as mortal sin.
There is no such thing as eternal damnation.
Those are just stories powerful people tell the sheeple to make them obedient little workers.
I suppose that religion may be especially true for Aspies. I have thoughts which oppose to faith, but I do not agree with them. Possibility of eternal torture is VERY SCARY, it is a fact. I do not want everybody to be damned or annihilated. (Real) life begins after death... Traditional religion is rather something very scary for me. i may wonder why other people think in other way than I, why they are not so interested in escatological matters, why they "use their lives" instead of be on the path to Heaven... I had religious confusion in my head. I do not think about studies and job so much. They are like "pleasant playing or routine" fore me. My mentality "hates" pain. I do not like complex tasks such as making presentations and projects on the studies. I am not so much interested in "normal" life. I have bad inclinations. I may feel sympathy to atheists and liberal people and antipathy to religious radicalists because they believe in "harsh" doctrine, although I may look as a radicalist myself. My mentality doesn not like "harsh" doctrines like Hell or annihilation.
I think that without religion I would be even worse. I might end as a perverted criminal for example. I suppose that without belief in Hell I could not be interested in chastity so much. I might be sexually addicted due to it and my general level of functioning could be not better than now.
Actually, a morality based on reason is easier to apply than a morality based on some primitive, inconsistent, ancient book. In fact, religious leaders like Creflo Dollar, Ted Haggard and Menachem Mendel Schneerson are among the most evil people to ever walk this planet. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you about how common child abuse is within the Catholic church.
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