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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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11 Sep 2015, 4:04 pm

I sometimes think this as well. But, for me I swear it is true. I sometimes think that people are purposely trying to know what I am thinking because I am so quiet all the time. I don't think I am paranoid, though. I just actually think that they may be doing that because they are trying to figure me out. I don't like it when people try to figure me out either. I like my privacy and if I deem you are someone I can trust and let in to my little circle then I will share more than enough.

I could; however, be completely paranoid. :lol:

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Sep 2015, 8:16 am

Just want to say that I am new to any sort of forum like this and I have not been diagnosed with any psychological disorders. I am a nurse and as ironic as this sounds, I wanted to become an advanced practice psychiatric nurse...I am just looking for people who have the same problem as I do.'s very long, but I am hoping at least one person in this world will read it, empathize with it, and take it to heart..

People...we are not crazy! At first I was beginning to think that I had some sort of schizophrenic tendencies, but psychology could not have an answer for what I have experienced. I thought that I was the only one in this area that was experiencing this...the "thought reading". It is clear to me that people can hear my thoughts. They can also hear each others thoughts. Any imagery from your mind, can also be seen. But it doesn't stop there, people can also see other beings without actually physically being there and probably much more that I don't even want to know about at this point!

I believe that there are coincidences and then there are instances. These are more than just coincidences. I am a strong lover of science, and I have been able to empirically test my hypotheses and retrieve observational feedback from those around me that these "things" are actually happening. And it freaks me the hell out! But what bothers me the most, is that I can't do it. And everyone I love can. It is like they are a part of a bigger connection to each other, to the world, to and the universe. They are one with each other and I am not. They have this connection each other that I will NEVER be able to experience, and it hurts so badly every day. I will never be able to connect with any loved one of mine on any level that I want. At this point, I don't think they would even want to connect with me in that way anymore. It's like, you are either born being able to do it, or not. I have contemplated suicide many times. I have attempted to overdose on oxycodone once, with no avail. I woke up the next morning vomiting non stop and still alive, even though I am not wanted around because I was born different.

I first found out in mid-march of this year (2015), and it has pretty much ruined and consumed my entire life. People can't stand to be around me anymore, since having found out. Since I found out that my thoughts and body are seen and heard, people around me have changed, as if I wasn't supposed to find out. But how could you not when they make it so obvious? Children can also do it as well, and they know if you can't. This has been happening my whole life, but I have just really noticed it a few months ago. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't have any normal relationships with anyone. My boyfriend somehow makes me feel both the most and least comfortable all at the same time. He literally reads my mind like he is reading a book and he knows it upsets me so he'll just stop. And when I ask why he would say those things from my mind, he just makes up an excuse as to how he thought of it. I'm tired of my thoughts being heard and people responding to me without my lips even moving! I am tired of constantly being watched and monitored like some sort of freak creature.

If anyone is wondering or cares how I tested this hypotheses, well, it was quite easy. All you have to do is think of something rude or disturbing and NOT say it out loud and observe the response that you get from the people around you. It just happened today while I was giving report to the oncoming nurse at shift change. One of the employees heard my thought and quickly snapped her head at me and gave me the dirtiest look ever. The look that says, "why don't you just die already? You're a horrible person" kind of look. After that, she walked away while mumbling, "I can't take this anymore". I have thought some very rude things (BUT HAVE NOT MEANT ANY OF IT) of the people around me and have gotten very negative responses, such as this in return. And all without even moving my mouth 1 cm.

This is really happening. People watch me in the shower, on the toilet, when I'm naked, when I'm in my car, when I'm out with my boyfriend, when I'm with my family, when I'm sleeping and I don't know how to handle this anymore. It's not just hearing and seeing my thoughts. Coming from someone who is in the medical field, I know what BS answers psychology will give me. Mind you, psychology also states that, if you think you can hear other peoples' thoughts, you are having auditory hallucinations and must have some schizophrenic tendencies. Yeah, I haven't gotten very positive responses after thinking that thought about them either. This is not something that you can talk out loud about to other people. Nor do they talk about it to each other out loud. They connect with their minds, and they can say and show everything and anything they want to each other in that way. So, for them, if you can do it, there is nothing that is needed to be said out loud.

I just feel so different and outcasted. Being able to do everything that they can, they must know so much more truth and about this reality than I ever could. That must be why they think that I am so "dumb". What I want to know the most, though, is if this was some sort of mistake, or if this was intentional, and the way things should be.

I hope someone responds honestly..

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Sep 2015, 6:34 pm

Hello. I just finished reading this thread and thought maybe i should share my experience and opinion. I am a male, 30 years old, diagnosed with Aspergers a few months ago. I think its important to mention that I've used drugs for the past 15 years (cocaine, lsd, mdma, speed, benzodiazepines, etc) and i am currently medicated with fluoxetine and olanzapine (symbyax). I never thought that I would be hospitalized on a mental clinic but it happened. Its strange that in some given circumstances (when a lot of coincidences are happening) i feel and believe that my thought are being heard by a supreme being or by "them" (don't know exactly who they are, can't put it into words) and that people around me are some sort of messengers. As if "they" (them or the supreme being)talked to me through people around me. When this happens I start to get really anxious and scared as coincidences just keep on happening one after another. As i start getting paranoid (and by this i mean I start paying a lot of attention to little details around me, stuff i read and things i hear) things start to fit perfectly and words start getting new meanings as i start to sort them out and find hidden messages that fits perfectly to my thoughts. I believe there is indeed a world of hidden messages and meaning expressed through non verbal communications or when people uncontrollably speak their unconscious, etc. I think we have the ability to perceive this things and practice to make ourselves more sensible to this. We are energy and so are our thoughts so people may not actually hear our thoughts but they can sure feel our thoughts and based on our energy respond to it manifesting it through words or actions. I read about some experiments with energy and mind thoughts and firmly believe that there is a connection of some sorts between them. Reality gets uncertain to myself being so sensible and mixing it with drug use and sleep deprivation. Its important to realize that we ourselves feed the moment to cause this type of coincidences through energy and thoughts. It's hard to stop it when it gets too intense but there are ways. When this happens to me I've found myself alleviated from anxiety and fear when i go to a quiet place of silence and rest a little while and try to meditate and stop my thoughts. I managed to learn with practice (there is a good book called "the power of now", it may help). Hope you find this helpful. Just to clarify i was hospitalized because of this sensibility, drug abuse and lack of sleep. This mix gets me psychotic and my family got really worried for my strange behavior. Greetings :heart: :heart: :heart:

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Sep 2015, 10:00 pm

Thanks for your reply! I really appreciate it. I am 23 and I have also experimented with mdma, lsd, and mushrooms. I started finding out about certain connections in this world before really delving into the experimentation with those drugs though. Now I really can't do any of them without becoming very aware, anxious, upset, and uncomfortable. I just feel like all my privacy and solidarity have been ripped away from me; they are only illusions now. I didn't really get what you meant by the "messages" that others may be trying to convey to you. I don't feel this may be the case for me. I am not really a religious person either. I don't think I could be now. I kind of feel like such a mistake now and have also been told this. I want to try to learn to meditate though and truly clear my mind. That seems like the only solution. No one would have anything to reference to me, if I had a clear mind with out thought. I'll take a look at that book you mentioned. Thanks again :-) <3

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Dec 2015, 10:25 pm

you are not alone...

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Dec 2015, 12:06 pm

Sometimes it feels as if I am alone. I have never met anyone with views as myself or who have not been able to do the things that I can't do..

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Jan 2016, 2:13 pm

I've struggled with the issue of thinking that people can hear what I'm thinking for a long time now. I hear my voice in various places like vents, machines, car engine, etc. Is any of this possible or is it my schizophrenia? This has caused me some kind of reversed psychological disorder where I'm not any where near where I want and need my primary focuses to be. It's effected every single area of my life, caused me ridiculous ocd behavior and made me completely paranoid to try and think I'm beyond sick of it. What do I do?


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12 Jan 2016, 3:20 pm

DustinL12345 wrote:
I've struggled with the issue of thinking that people can hear what I'm thinking for a long time now. I hear my voice in various places like vents, machines, car engine, etc. Is any of this possible or is it my schizophrenia? This has caused me some kind of reversed psychological disorder where I'm not any where near where I want and need my primary focuses to be. It's effected every single area of my life, caused me ridiculous ocd behavior and made me completely paranoid to try and think I'm beyond sick of it. What do I do?
Are you seeing a psychiatrist for your schizophrenia?

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Jan 2016, 3:23 pm

Ya my appointment is about 3 weeks out though.


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12 Jan 2016, 3:59 pm

DustinL12345 wrote:
Ya my appointment is about 3 weeks out though.
OK. Tell the psych everything you mentioned in your post.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Jan 2016, 4:01 pm

Ok thanks!