Psychiatry is a Pseudo-Science
There is lesser evidence that some suppliments and herbs may cause a real change in your brain. I use several herbs to great benefit. Mindfulness is an important part of my daily life and I think that helps.
All of this is not to say that all medications are bad or that no-one should access western medicine. Each thing in its own place and time. When you are so sick that doing these life-style things are not in reach, that is the right time for pharmaceuticals.
I completely agree with you
We become what we think about; since everything in the beginning is just an idea.
Destruction and creation are 2 sides of the same coin.
Feeling better when taking said drugs is like feeling better when one sniffs cocaine or heroine, sure you feel better, because its effects are needed to ward off the withdrawal-symptoms, but that is more indicative of drug-addiction than it is to do with your body receiving any kind of genuine repair.
I'm not a doctor, so I can't really get into the specifics, but a psychiatrist doesn't give you drugs if all you need is some counselling or therapy. You get drugs to change your brain chemistry. Say, for instance, your brain is overly receptive to dopamine and you start to hallucinate and get delusions*. Well, maybe taking some sort of medication that reduces that sort of activity can help with the symptoms. Or say you suffer from extreme mood swings that don't improve with counselling. Well maybe you need some sort of mood stabilizing drug. The point is that there is some evidence that these drugs can correct brain abnormalities in some way.
You shouldn't really be on psychiatric drugs if it's not absolutely necessary. I, personally, am getting weaned off of them because my mood has been pretty stable for a while and personally, I'm glad for that. And if you think you are being mistreated and unnecessarily medicated, you are well within your right to advocate for yourself. I think if you feel you have been wrongfully treated, you can take it up with a tribunal (but i do understand how mentally draining that can be). The point is, if you are actually being scammed by a quack, expose them. But don't say that all psychiatry is bad because, for the most part, it works. Maybe not as well as we'd like it to, but it's the best we've got. I'd rather take antipsychotics over crystal therapy any day.
*I don't actually know all that much about the dopamine hypothesis, so please educate me if I am incorrect.
I'm not a doctor, so I can't really get into the specifics, but a psychiatrist doesn't give you drugs if all you need is some counselling or therapy. You get drugs to change your brain chemistry. Say, for instance, your brain is overly receptive to dopamine and you start to hallucinate and get delusions*. Well, maybe taking some sort of medication that reduces that sort of activity can help with the symptoms. Or say you suffer from extreme mood swings that don't improve with counselling. Well maybe you need some sort of mood stabilizing drug. The point is that there is some evidence that these drugs can correct brain abnormalities in some way.
You shouldn't really be on psychiatric drugs if it's not absolutely necessary. I, personally, am getting weaned off of them because my mood has been pretty stable for a while and personally, I'm glad for that. And if you think you are being mistreated and unnecessarily medicated, you are well within your right to advocate for yourself. I think if you feel you have been wrongfully treated, you can take it up with a tribunal (but i do understand how mentally draining that can be). The point is, if you are actually being scammed by a quack, expose them. But don't say that all psychiatry is bad because, for the most part, it works. Maybe not as well as we'd like it to, but it's the best we've got. I'd rather take antipsychotics over crystal therapy any day.
*I don't actually know all that much about the dopamine hypothesis, so please educate me if I am incorrect.
Unfortunatly today, many psychiatrists are giving drugs when enviornmental fixes would be more effective. It's just easier and less expensive. The insurance companies are behind this, but also the patients have been partly to blame. We all want to feel better NOW. And we want to feel better without working hard or changing anything.
Drugs change the chemistry in the brain temporarily. Like insulin for a diabetic, which doesn't really fix the pancreas, pain medications don't fix the brain. They can actually cause brain damage. This is a known risk. That's why the proper use of psychiatric medication is when it is needed to save a life. And lets be clear - psych meds do save lives. Mental illness is serious and real. We are blessed to live in a world where they are available to us. But like a lot of blessings, they can be curses if we are all "greedy" with them.
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I think it's better to term it "Mental-Disturbance" rather than Illness. May I ask a favour of you ?
I would like you to take some time to read through all of Dr. Carl Wickland's book: "30 Years Among the Dead"
I'm not going to get into the Quantum-Physics/Frequencies of all of this right now but I have plenty of reasons to believe that it's related to what might be deemed in Quantum-Physics as Multi-Dimensional Frequencies. The Brain is known to be both like a Receiver and Generator of Thoughts/Ideas but we can go over that notion in more detail another day.
Please give some feedback as to your take on what was going on after reading Dr. Wicklands publication.
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I haven't read that book, but the work that I do is similar to the ideas spoken of on its description page. This is a little known fact, because we don't talk about it a lot...because it makes us sound weird in today's society. But a big treatment that some acupuncturists do for some people is a treatment to release demons. There are even different classifications of demons to be expelled and different protocols for the different demons.
From this point of view, all illness is a manifestation of spiritual disharmony, not just mental illness. This isn't science and we are never going to prove it correct. I'm OK with that. It's a way of seeing things that isn't based in common reality. Why then would common reality be used to interpret its legitimacy?
BTW, use what ever terms you feel fit to refer to your own challenges in life. I've come around to using standard verbiage like "mental illness" because its easier and frankly, i think changing the words we use does nothing to change the perception of disease.
Have you read this article? ... -hospital/
Being a professional in the field, I've had a lot of practice with balancing the immediate physical needs of my patients with their spiritual needs. Mental illness is serious and can be life threatening in advanced cases. At the same time, it can also be a manifestation of spiritual prowlness. A journey into the spirit world. A covenant with God to bring God's reality into our physical reality.
From a medical point of view, ASD is not even a little similar to major mental illness. We don't benefit from the same treatments. But from a spiritual point of view, we do belong in the same category, because we also are one step removed from the ordinary. We spend our lives in a different place, spiritually speaking. This difference is vastly valuable to human society. We are seen as shamans by some indigenous cultures for a reason. Not just because they had pity on us and wanted to give us a special place, but because our different point of view is vital to the survival of the tribe as a whole.
What meds are you talking about? If you are talking about benzos or hypnotics, you might have a point.
SSRI's and antipsychotics are not addictive. Nobody craves them.
Often times the people who complain about psych meds are they same people who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.
Unfortunatly today, many psychiatrists are giving drugs when enviornmental fixes would be more effective. It's just easier and less expensive. The insurance companies are behind this, but also the patients have been partly to blame. We all want to feel better NOW. And we want to feel better without working hard or changing anything.
Drugs change the chemistry in the brain temporarily. Like insulin for a diabetic, which doesn't really fix the pancreas, pain medications don't fix the brain. They can actually cause brain damage. This is a known risk. That's why the proper use of psychiatric medication is when it is needed to save a life. And lets be clear - psych meds do save lives. Mental illness is serious and real. We are blessed to live in a world where they are available to us. But like a lot of blessings, they can be curses if we are all "greedy" with them.
I think in some ways, I agree with you. Sometimes if you have to wait several months on a waiting list for counselling or therapy, your physician may prescribe medication to keep your mood stable until you can get long term support. In that case, I would imagine it's more of a "The benefit outweighs the risk" kind of thing. That's what happened to me and that's what happens to a lot of people. Now, I did genuinely need to be on some sort of medication at some point and I owe a lot of my improvement to it, but I would also agree that in most cases, medicine is a short term thing and should be treated as such. However, for some people, they absolutely have to be on medication for the rest of their lives.
I'm glad that you realize that medicine is not evil and can be beneficial to people. The thing is, I don't think the over dependence is a problem with psychiatry - I think it's a mismanagment of the health services. Now I don't know exactly how it works in other countries, but in the UK the NHS is not doing great (blame the tories) and mental health has always been one of those things that we kind of struggle with. Now there are organisations and charities that are proactive in promoting mindfulness techniques and general self help stuff, but it's not enough. We need to bridge the gap between community support and medical/therapuetic intervention because too many people aren't getting the help they need and they keep being ignored. We need better structures, not to complain about people wanting to get instantaneously better. Would we complain about somebody wanting instant relief for a broken leg? No I don't think so.
And in response to your other post, thank you! But it's not about strength, it's about health. I'm healthy enough to begin getting off the stuff. But yes, it's awesome, thanks!
Additionally, cancer is a NORMAL process of the body, what is NOT normal is when its natural-cycle of aptosis is disabled, and there have been various forms of identified forms of cancer, one of them being that of a Fungus.
Cancer has NEVER been an "epidemic" prior to WWII (and the reasons seem karmically related to the Atomic-Bomb and possibly even other life-times that related/affected people have had perhaps in other realms of existence whether it be from other planets within this universe or entirely different universes altogether but I'll go over the rationale behind my "woo" on another day).
I would also say that there is an overuse of psychiatric drugs because we don't have a diffinative way of saying that you really have a very significant mental illness. Many times they are used when a person really needs to make adjustments to their lifestyle.
Major depression doesn't kill you. Your reactions & thoughts that direct you into inflict self-harm upon yourself are what kills you. When you are unable to control your thoughts, you are unable to control your emotions, because the thoughts we have largely contribute to our emotions. For such case it would be better to under-go hypno-therapy. I would agree that there's an absolute over-prescription of psycho-actives.
Cancer is completely preventable simply by eating the correct, healthy, and fresh foods (such as fruits & vegetables with the exception of diabetics in regards to most fruits) rather than always drinking sugar-waters (i.e.: soft-drinks/sodas/pop/etc), rather than consuming a lot of unhealthy or processed foods/ingredients (like candies & chocolates & ice-creams & sugars & cakes & etc), etc. People with cancer have frequently consumed a lot of those sugar-drinks through their lives which doesn't exactly help their immune-systems either.
I'm an alternative health practitioner with a graduate degree in acupuncture. I have 20 years of education in the use of herbs and supplements. I LOVE hypnotherpy and energy work and all of it. And I have to say that you are totally wrong on many counts. I'm not going to get in it with you because life is too short for online arguments and its not on topic. But WOW. Have you been reading this stuff on Because they and many other webpages are spreading a lot of misinformation.
I hope you never have to experience how wrong you are about cancer being simple to prevent and cure. And that you never discover a depression so deep that hypno-therapy can't even come close to digging you out.
And I'd like to apologize to the folks reading this who do have cancer and depression and any other difficult disease. I didn't mean for my comment to bring out this kind of anti-truth and I'm sorry people in my profession have set up web pages that teach these kinds of things to unsuspecting lay people.
Bipolar disorder can kill you - during delirious and severe acute manias, physical exhaustion, dehydration and cardiovascular failure are inevitable if emergency medical/psychiatric attention isn't sought immediately. And you say mental illness doesn't exist.
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Good to know that there are people who are aware of additional influences and don't dismiss it a-priori as some kind of superstition or primitive-belief like most materialism-oriented "Westerners" seem to default towards.
Reading the article gave me a sense of déjà-vû and Somé's name seemed somewhat familiar.
Mental-Disturbance has many more factors (many of a spiritual-nature) than "Westernized" science/medicine would have you believe.
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Oh jesus christ. On a thread about pseudo-science.The irony. Was interested in your posts until I read this nonsense. Is this how you dodge being banned? Hide your trollish comments within otherwise legitimate posts?
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Why you would bother to be interested in reading my posts of all posts of all things is beyond sensible. Considering that I am one of those Conspiracy-Theorists™ after all !
Oh jesus christ. On a thread about pseudo-science.The irony. Was interested in your posts until I read this nonsense. Is this how you dodge being banned? Hide your trollish comments within otherwise legitimate posts?
I dodge being banned because I don't have the "karmic-debt"™ for being of the mobster-mentality. Perhaps if I were you, instead of lambasting such poster if I were genuinely interested in the stuff that he posted, I would probably ask him something like, with the quoted portion, because it sounds more civil this way after all: For some reason, I had originally found your posts interesting and sensible, but then I came across one of these statements. Were you actually intending to word it that way or is there some other reason or context for this seemingly absurd™ statement ?
Now, were I to go back and "update" that statement of mine, I would probably have worded it more like this instead...:
Everything has its causes, just like the saying goes, and most-everyone agrees that "for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action" is a law. The way I see it at present, cancer is a re-action to something, but as said "law"™ stipulates, re-actions stem from an original action™. I may have called it a "spiritual" thing in days past, perhaps even a week or two ago, possibly even yesterday, but I think "spirit"™ is a rather out-dated and archaic-word to use in the modern-day. What men of the past once called spirits™ seems to me to be more like some kind of bio-electro-magnetic-field phenomenon, similar to how the earth has its own electro-magnetic-field, same as with humans (and why "Qi" is no longer controversial™ due to being regarded as simply being bio-electricity).
I know very well that magnetic-fields are capable of storing much information. Heck, even a flat piece of shiny plastic can store literally hours or even days worth of holographic-display content (they are called: compact-discs), and certain scientists around the world have confirmed that crystals also have information-storage properties. I believe that it is possible that our memories or certain types of our memories may be stored within this bio-electro-magnetic-field rather than solely within the brain itself. I cannot claim to know all of the details about how it all functions, but I want to address the "what goes around comes around" effect of "pay-back is a b***h" or what might have been termed "karma"™ by the ancients, and even provide an actual example.
Example: Let's say that I decide to randomly punch™ someone. they might respond with... "Oh, you're gonna pay™ for that, you bastard !" What kind of payment™ are they expecting ? Does that mean I'm supposed to write a cheque for their bank-account ? NO ! They mean that I'm gonna pay™ in the sense that I am going to be made to "suffer pain" as my payment™. Now of course, any actions that I take, were it to be actually recorded into my bio-magnetic-storage-system, this could be what those time-travelers™ (ahem... I mean people that may have been called "prophets"™ on a past day) were referring to when they told those primitive-minded people in the past about things/concepts like a Book-of-Life Records (may be referring to just the information-storage-system of the bio-magnetic-field). Applying the "for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action" law I can probably expect that guy that I just punched to punch me as that re-action or for someone else to punch me for that re-action effect as my payment™ for punching someone.
For cases where I may have gotten punched out of the blue, I may have punched a bunch of people back in grade-school or high-school that I forgot about since long ago, and perhaps even inadvertently may have been complicit to causing others to be punched unprovoked a long time ago by funding the wages of a bully cop who was part of a Rodney King incident. I don't know for sure, and our memories are usually only about more recent-events that are fresh in our minds, rather than being able to recall absolutely every minute-detail of every second of our lives in quantum-computing manner, but this is a phenomenon for which I had become interested in several years ago, and based on my own personal-experiences and field-testing of this phenomenon™, I would have to say that the "for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action" law is something that currently fits into my paradigm-grid based on my experiences with said phenomenon.
P.S.: I still regard psychiatry to be mostly a pseudo-science, considering that the conditions™ listed within the DSM are "voted" as criteria via a panel of so-called experts™, not to mention the fact that its diagnoses have more to do with collecting insurance-money than it does to do with bringing forth any kinds of cures™ for the mental-disturbed. Now for that Gwen Olsen video again along with a link to one of its top-helpful™ reviews™...
Also going to add another relevant-publication in regards to public-opinion versus the actual-science in case I haven't yet posted it into this thread...
Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature
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Many areas of medicine are, in some sense, "pseudo-sciences", in the sense that they involve things that are incompletely understood and often used because they are the best that is on the market rather than because they actually treat the root cause of something (which isn't known in the first place--even for something as simple and easily measured as high blood pressure). It's not so much pseudoscience as very imperfect science, that doesn't do its own research* but puts findings into place years, if not decades, after the fact. This is even much more true for anything involving the brain, though.
I think a lot of us aspies can have an issue with these kind of fields because we're used to knowing what it's like to really understand something. We also can have unusual reactions to any kind of medication, and to anything that affects the brain, even more so.
*There is such an area as "molecular psychiatry", but it is quite far from the world of "practicing" psychiatry. For instance, they have already moved on beyond the "serotonin deficiency" view to look at signaling within neurons themselves, newly discovered neurotransmitter systems, etc.
You are correct in one fashion, the field of psychiatry had an unfortunate beginning with Freud and Jung rather then being truly objective based on scientific principles. It has become increasingly obvious over the last 2 decades with the advent of fMRI and genetics research that many of the principles they espoused had absolutely no basis in fact.
I do believe in the true science that is slowly but steadily finding that a large percentage if not all mental illnesses and disorders have at their root one or more of dozens of mutations (that have been found so far) that affect either the signaling mechanisms or white matter wiring between specific structures of the brain (grey matter) and even the structures themselves.
How many mutations, how they get activated (there is evidence that epigenetics, influenced by environmental factors, can help explain why the exact same mutations can lead to so many varying symptoms between us) , what physical structures of the brain are altered and/or hooked up differently from the majority. And it is becoming increasingly apparent that Autism involves the actual wiring and structures of the brain and that will prevent any medical treatment (at this stage of our understanding) because the only meds we have affect the signalling, not the actual structures and the wiring between them.
So why does medication help Depression and Schizophrenia and a host of other illnesses? Simple. These are caused by faults in the signalling between neurons. This is why schizophrenia and autism can share so many symptoms. It's a common myth that medication cures all the symptoms of schizophrenia when in fact it only helps with the positive symptoms. It's the negative symptoms that are mostly shared between the 2 diagnoses and those are caused by wiring and structure variations which no drug we currently have can correct.
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Imagine my therapist's embarrassment when it turned out they really were after me.