Rocket123 wrote:
Starkid - Just curious - Do you have symptoms that can be explained by ASD, but which cannot be explained by Schizoid Personality Disorder?
I have motor stereotypies, but I don't remember having them as a child. I remember I sort of lost control and stimmed in front of another person once when I was 28, but after that, it didn't flare up until I became homeless and my financial situation and anxiety worsened.
I usually don't make much eye contact. I kind of sort of remember being uncomfortable with it as a child; I can't remember back very far, but it's definitely more marked now.
Accidentally upsetting people and not knowing why.
Not knowing whether people were being friendly or flirting with me, not even recognizing the possibility until months or years later.
Mental monologuing. I deal with the urge to monologue at my sister by picturing us and imagining what I'd tell her, rather than actually talking. This doesn't happen often, though.
I have tended to spend insane amounts of time on my interests, but I usually have several of them, although I also have trouble switching between them. I think maybe that's just typical gifted/nerd stuff, though. I can't remember them being all that narrow except in the past six years or so.
Inability to regulate circadian rhythm. I could be on the same sleep schedule for years and never become accustomed to it.
Also mild synesthesia. Maybe it doesn't count. 9 is red and female, Wednesday is green.
And mild vestibular issues. I feel unbalanced and like I'm going to fall when I'm on stairs and escalators.
Last edited by starkid on 10 May 2015, 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.