Raven Foxx wrote:
Darmok wrote:
If you're hearing a voice that telling you to do things and trying to control you, that's definitely something you should discuss with a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are medical doctors, where as therapists and counselors are usually not -- they can be helpful, but they aren't physicians. Your therapist or family doctor could certainly refer you to a psychiatrist who could help. That's what I'd recommend.
I have a psychiatrist. He gave me medicine, but it is not working.
I can think of two things that can cause "voices".
The first is Schizo*(schizophrenia, schizotypal, etc.) which medication
may help with, but not always. I have a friend with schizophrenia, but I really don't know much about it to be honest so I'm not going to go into it anymore.
The second is Dissociative Identity Disorder in which case medication would NOT help with the "voice". I have DID and it's actually an early childhood trauma disorder. The voice may be an alter/persona created in early childhood to cope with some sort of trauma that you won't even remember. The whole point of DID is to hide the memories from you so you can cope with living. If you have any childhood trauma memories, even if they are really vague and/or "can't be true" I really recommend you talk to your therapist about them immediately. Most likely sexual or physical abuse. Part of DID is that you will disbelieve your childhood trauma. Most people with DID can't even accept that they have DID at first. Talk therapy and EMDR can help if it is DID, but the alters have to go through it also.
Dx: ASD(Type 2), ADHD, PTSD(severe), Histrionic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria.