bobaspie2015 wrote:
I live with a guy who has been diagnosed as Schizophrenic. He has been Schizophrenic from a very young age, yet he has also denied the fact up until the last year or so.
His lack of knowledge bothers me some as he has NO desire to learn anything.
He is in his late 40's and we have known each other for many years.
I mean this guy has NO worldly knowledge. He would not know how to get on a suburban bus if I did not explain it to him. He has no idea of towns, cities, states or countries. He simply has NO knowledge of what is real.
What he does know is; how to report his support pension each fortnight, how to purchase cigarettes, how to purchase alcohol and that is about it.
My question to you who read this post is; how on Earth can I help him?
Apathy is a common symptom of schizophrenia. If he doesn't have any interest in learning then you can't really force it on him.