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23 Aug 2011, 1:58 pm

EllenDee wrote:
I sometimes think it would be nice to be ill in hospital, just because "patient" is such a well defined role & everyone else tends to do everything for you rather than expecting you to be able to do things. There are set visiting hours and if you don't feel like talking to people you can just claim tiredness and they will happily go away.

Of course the reality involves being too cold with scratchy blankets and too much light and weird noises and humming equipment and lots of other horrible things (not including the illness itself!)

Actually people tend to impose a role on you when you're in hospital.
You are not expected to know what's going on or to have your own
opinions, f.x. And you're expected to be ill in the way they are used to
people being ill. You are forced to wake up on all the most inconvenient
hours and the food is very dull. ;)

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23 Aug 2011, 3:28 pm

because I wasn't, didn't understand it and it seemed so limiting.

Many years down the line I still wouldn't really want to be, but would sometimes just like to take a holiday from my head (that didn't involve drugs and a hospital visit).


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23 Aug 2011, 4:22 pm

Yes. I often wish I were deaf. I wish I were really sick so I would feel justified in feeling bad often. I sometimes wish for more severe autism so I can feel disconnected from words and people-things.


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23 Aug 2011, 5:00 pm

I will say that I have a love-hate relationship with mental insanity. I read up on it a lot and have been diagnosed with bipolar, ptsd, ocd, and social phobia. I think I have aspergers and avoidant personality, as well. I am fine with this. the more they say I have, the more I understand about the many facets of myself. I will also say that sometimes I am happy to be nuts. I don't know that I would go so far as to say I wish for illnesses, but I do look at schizophrenia with longing eyes, which I guess is worrisome. they originally thought I had schizoaffective, which, to be honest, excited me. now they say I have bipolar type 2, but I have had psychosis before - though not in the last year - so I don't think that diagnosis is correct. I think if I have bipolar - and I probably do, even though I sometimes don't see it - then it is likely type one with psychosis. I don't have psychosis outside of a mood-related episode, so it is not SZA, which, again, sucks to me. I think my life would be much more interesting if I lived with psychosis all the time.

I am f*****g weird like that.


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23 Aug 2011, 5:18 pm

I've always liked getting sick. It gives me an excuse to take copious amounts of Nyquil, sleep all day, and stay home from work, lol. Plus I like to sing, and I've noticed that having a sore throat makes my voice sound all husky & sexay.

I can understand wanting to have a mental illness, it does kinda seem like it makes people more interesting. I've got schizoid personality disorder but I wouldn't want full blown schizophrenia though, not after seeing what my ex went through with it. I can't tell you how many nights I stayed up with him, just trying to comfort him cause the voices wouldn't let him sleep, or how many times he turned on me & almost hurt me b/c he thought I was part of some kind of conspiracy against him. It broke my heart to watch him go through that, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's hell to feel like everyone's against you, and to have to listen to voices yelling at you all day long.

I really hate it too when people accuse me of just being a hypochondriac when I tell them about my various disorders. I don't get how knowing a lot about what's wrong with you means that you're just making it all up. A lot of people say to me, "There's nothing wrong with you, you seem fine!". Yeah, key word- SEEM. It's alllll acting, honey. If people could get inside my head they'd understand. That said, I am perfectly fine with my disorders & even embrace them. They make me who I am. I enjoy being quirky, weird, and living in my own little world.

I'm here, I'm weird, get used to it.


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01 Feb 2012, 7:04 pm

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted here. I left because I thought I no longer belonged here, but what I said back in the first post in this thread seems to be becoming true. Two psychiatrists of mine (one of whom I haven't even met yet) both believe that I'm developing schizophrenia. It's not as much fun as I thought it would be, since so far I mostly only have negative symptoms. :P

I was referred to the aforementioned unmet doctor for testing for AS, but my other psychiatrist mentioned that she thinks it's schizophrenia, which she also evaluates for.

On Google I stumbled upon this, which describes me almost perfectly, even the varied diagnoses.

Also, for the past 2 weeks or so anhedonia has taken over me again, which is incredibly annoying.


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02 Feb 2012, 3:00 am

I have more than a few different disabilities but I wished I had more disabilities years ago because I was having lots of problems due to my disabilities but my family & no one else was really aware of all the disabilities I had & I was not fully aware of all I was dealing with myself; I wished I had disabilities that others could easily quickly recognize so others would understand that I had legitimate problems so they would cut me some slack & help me out. I also wanted more disabilities because I felt like I was a complete loser & failure because I was not functional like others & I wanted to have a reason why that I could of used as an excuse or crutch to quit trying with things because I was tired of trying & failing & just wanted a break

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03 Feb 2012, 4:02 am

FireBird wrote:
I also know a lot about psychology and know the symptoms of a lot of disorders. The thing is though once the psychologist diagnosed me, I did a ton of research and have educated myself to the extreme that actually has caused people to be suspicious of me. Sometimes when I go into the hospital, I use all the medical terms and that causes them not to believe me. I don't really have words to describe my feelings other than the medical terms for it. It is just easier to describe it as a doctor would. Instead of saying "someone is putting thoughts into my head and other people can hear my thoughts" I say, " I have thought insertion combined with thought broadcasting" it is shorter to say that. Instead of saying " I have a lack of pleasure and interest in activities" I say, "I suffer from anhedonia." I sometimes try to dumb myself to a normal patient level but it doesn't work out usually. I also think it makes me feel smarter than the average patient. I also say, "I have auditory and visual hallucinations and outsiders would view my thoughts as bizarre delusions even though I believe my beliefs 100% conviction." Who in the hell would believe that? I know my thoughts are weird but I wouldn't call them delusional, the outsiders and doctors would. I just know that. I know my thoughts can be bizarre at times. I am just weird and since birth. Everything that comes out of my mouth to outsiders are either just weird or a bizarre delusion. The thing is other forums I go to also uses medical terms to describe their feelings all the time. In fact I actually use less medical terms than they do! I don't do it for attention or fake my symptoms, I would never do that. I just describe my symptoms as doctors would just to get to the point and feel smart. Otherwise I am as dumb as everyone else. Also, its my special interest is psychology and mental disorders since it affects me. Most of the time I can tell that I hallucinate except the auditory are impossible. The visuals are the easiest to tell at least in me.

I completely understand, because I'm the same! I always use all the technical terms, like with my bipolar I can discuss the contradiction between my logical knowledge and actual illogical behaviour. I also get obsessed with researching all there is to know about my own conditions.

Into the dark...


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07 Mar 2012, 4:09 am

dunbots wrote:
Does anyone else ever have the feeling that they want themselves to have disorders? I do, and I'm happy when I'm sick or whatever. I just realized this recently, and after thinking about it, it seems like a (nonsexual) form of masochism. That would possibly fit in with my previously-suspected Antisocial Personality Disorder, which recently I've been beginning to think as true again.

Is anyone else here like that?

No, I have never actually wanted to have a disorder. I have often erroneously thought that I might have something or other. When I was going through a rough patch I wanted to overeat so that I would destroy my figure and die sooner. I have since gotten over that but I am still obese :( What helps is to allow the desire to have the disorder to pass through your mind, but acknowledge that you don't have to act on it. If you do hurt yourself in anyway, you will regret it later. This is part of a collection of strategies called 'mindfulness' which I have personally found helpful.

It gets better.