schizotypy vs. autism
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 50%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 40%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 56%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 46%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 66% 45%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 54% 35%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34% 40%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 74% 48%
Dependent |||||||||||| 50% 44%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 70% 45%
*scores in grey on the right are the average web score
Test Note: Read the descriptions below to avoid misinterpreting test results (for example, the Antisocial classification does not mean you are a loner, it means you tend to be insensitive towards others).
Disorder Info: borderline aspie, i guess.
Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
This seemed interesting albeit
if not a bit confusing! i think ive
opted for a more paranoid guess but at least it now rules out other possibilities, despite being
neurotic and far thus unsolved. a lack of fortunate guesses may have stemed the way forwards.
if not a bit confusing! i think ive
opted for a more paranoid guess but at least it now rules out other possibilities, despite being
neurotic and far thus unsolved. a lack of fortunate guesses may have stemed the way forwards.
Despite the fact that this test in particular is not very reliable, are psychiatric tests always subjective. They don't tell you how you are, they just tell you how you see yourself. I'm reading a book about schizotypy at the moment claiming that the testing of "constricted affect" in the SPQ doesn't work right, because very often people see themself differently and also how the questions are presented in this specific category seems to have more to do with social shame and withdrawl than constricted affect itself.
I have to addmit that I'm not sure myself if I've not a bit constricted affect myself. This diagnostic criteria in particular seems to be more something that people notice from the outside and not a feeling or thinking pattern I can notice from the inside, because constricted affect is more something subcontious and not being able to controle it.
So this is also another dificulty in those tests. How it is mentioned earlier there might be different reasons to answer a question in a certain way. I also noticed this in the "Personality Disorder Test" you also made that many questions they ask regarding "Borderline" also apply for mood disorders. Not all though, but some of them. And with "Schizotypal" they mostly just ask questions about the own "eccentricity" and not many other. Those are reasons why I don't think that this short Personality Disorder Test is very reliable.
The more I think about schizotypy and autism, I belief having traits of both and not just an overlapp in one or the other direction and it's propably a matter of debate how to diagnose this best.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
yes, well i think, in the light of this test i tried, i believe it showed some promise in not trying to 'fix' but help to resolve some of the many impeding qsts on my mind, some if which have lain dormant for some years, and listening to some pre med- music can help soothe some of the many years of woe away,
before you begin. Of course only a small percentage can actually meet some of the pro- diagnostic criteria, but i mean it is worth checking out some worthwhile checks on yourself like i did anyway,just to be sure you're not missing anything 'special' or 'scientific'about yourself or your own mental needs.
plus, i find that maybe zoning out on yourself during the test may not be such a bad idea if you tend to veer towards a more visual and less spatial state of mind. Of course everyone is different.
Actually you can get every symptom that you can also get with schizophrenia, just not that severe. So "yes".
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I just wanted to mention that this is one cirteria out of 9, actually just a half criteria, because it is called: "odd beliefs or magical thinking". So besides the fact if this psychologist is right or not, your sentence doesn't make much sence either.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I think I've had mild schizophrenia or stpd for some time. I'm not sure because of the overlap that's been mentioned and other criteria I don't find to be defined satisfactorily. Thankfully this hasn't affected me too severely to where I would need to seek a diagnosis or be put on medication specifically for this. Maybe this post can make someone feel better about it. To be clear though I am not going to be writing much here about negative symptoms, the negative symptoms are the primary reason I think I may have it.
Could being schizotypal be a wonderful thing. Autism could have been wonderful too. I don't think I'm anything special because of it but there are a couple skills like paying attention to certain details that I was always better than 99% of people at. Unfortunately my communication and sensory problems are so maladapted to the world I have been sentenced to a 15 year exile from social belonging by the universe and will be up for probation in a few years.
It's hard to put a finger on what this all is. I know I've never had delusions or hallucinations. Around the age of late adolescence when the schizo- roots dig in is when I started noticing. Something snapped inside my head one day when I was 19 after being taunted by some children my self was disintegrating. I became more isolated than ever. Sometimes I would think things like "that one person is the key to my happiness"; maybe that was simply because of my immense natural barriers to communication. There were some very coincidental things going on before and after this, things too coincidental to have randomly happened. I made notes at the time they were happenings of interest.
Last year is when I was at rock bottom of the exile in a lot of ways. Less social belonging than ever before and it seemed nearly everything but a roof over my head was gone. It's when I finally realized the universe had been communicating things to me, that is what these coincidences were about. The universe may well not like it if I divulge details of what I am talking about so they must remain personal. I discovered that I had special powers of attraction, that a few certain people kept doing certain things based on the powers of my thought patterns. I had been looking for insight into clues on this for 2 years, only I must have been looking with the wrong mindset of spitefulness, not valuing interconnectedness.
I received the clear cut evidence gradually that there was a mission that I must undertake. It was likely not quite like anything any other person has ever done. It risked failure in more ways than one. A most vital step involved me asking a huge favor of a complete stranger which was far out of my comfort zone. Being a creature of lacksidasical self-care habits my preparation in advance was poor and sloppy. The execution went off with a bit of a hitch. It was over soon enough. It was time to play the waiting game. Such an agonizing rollercoaster of emotion was it. In the movie My Girl where Anna Chlumsky's character sings "Do Wa Diddy" off key when distressed - that's all tasma wanted to do for weeks with his fingers plugging his ears. A good sign followed by an ominous sign followed by another good sign passed.
To wrap it up the mission worked beyond all expectation. It was valiant, truly a special mission which brought multi-faceted joy to people's hearts. There were a few events in the news after this of rotten sadistic human behavior which were aligned in relative timing and distance of the mission to accentuate the contrast to those who knew of it. Another sign was I checked my horoscope (which I never do) on the twitter page of a person of interest from the date of undertaking the key step of the mission after the fact and it confirmed what people would think of my spirit, how intended this had to be.
After this happened I stuck my feelers out to various people in the outside world to get vibes, to see if my exile could now be over. I was not responded to. Once my special mission was over I intuitively knew there was no going back to that. That magic had happened, it could never be re-created, it only lives in memory. Any people involved in that could not be pressed to lend a helping hand. I began to make realize 15 is an important number, that this was a 15 year exile which would take me through 2015. I must undertake 2 more valiant special missions, one in 2013 and one in 2014 to have my best chance of not spending perhaps the rest of a miserable life in exile, and rather enjoy 15 years of social belonging thru 2030 where I am merely an odd quiet person who can function fine on a daily basis before I die.
So you see it is wonderful I discovered I have truly rare special powers; and I would be so much more lost if there were none of these special meanings, if to me life were a monotonous drag. I cannot make it sound like I am bragging about this. It may be almost impossible to find clues from the universe to help figure out what this year's and next year's mission will be and interpret them correctly AND successfully fulfill what is to be done. My best lead to go on is what I can find out about a blue collar alcoholic who is borderline obsessed with Hunter S yeah, this is NOT up my alley right now. There are tons of unknowns. I often do not like ambiguity! Still it is only natural not to dig too deep to see how far some of the coincidences may intertwine, if we knew everything it could drive us to madness.
I have too much self awareness that this magical thinking I've been writing about is probably more like wishful thinking, some sort of coping mechanism I invented. What does that matter though.
Feel free not to comment on my user name no matter how well meaning.. It was the name of a co-worker of my mom's. I did not put thought into it beyond that.

tasma I didn't understand it all, but some people have just one psychotic episode and that's it. There is a term that's called Brief psychotic disorder maybe that fits?
I know my psychiatrist has a Bipolar II suspicioun about me and together with StPD I'll propably have schizoaffective or Bipolar II with StPD (traits) in addition to ASD triats. It propably just depends how someone makes a diagnosis, but I would feel confortable with Bipolar II and StPD as a lable instead of Schizoaffective.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
For starters,a brief psychotic disorder is basically a term used to describe manic depression, where you have one or more regular episodes of depression, verging on the edge of bipolar2.
In terms of 'magical thinking' that is only characterized by some more extreme methods of thinking, schizophrenia. i know because someone in my family has it.
You can talk more than once to someone and still be schizotypical if you suddenly appear quite anxious and well, odd beliefs are odd beliefs, caused by you or someone elses bilateral thought processes.
Also, you have to be on some serious meds in order to get sorted for the more serious illness, and you're pretty much on it for life. in order for it to not become too severe, some kind of cognital counselling or therapy can help but you don't catch this. its thought to be through some kind of genewave too, and only that person who experiences one or some more of the symptoms can make that breakthrough via the path of correct referal.
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."
this is what i meant, in terms of this particular disorder and you are trying to describe all the symptoms of depression which are both inaccurate and cost defective. ... f_spectrum
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."
That's the one I nearly had. It wasn't 24 hours or longer so it didn't qualify as brief psychotic disorder but for a few hours I thought the trees were talking to me. I was too scared to go near them so I had to be taken home. I think I blocked it out because I was surprised to hear that it happened to me. I returned to normal after a few hours so I never went to the hospital.
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."
this is what i meant, in terms of this particular disorder and you are trying to describe all the symptoms of depression which are both inaccurate and cost defective. ... f_spectrum
I don't know at all what you mean and where did I say in this thread: "a depression is..."?
And furthermore I didn't put the wikipedia link in there. If you go back to what I originally wrote you wouldn't find it!

So PLEASE qoute me at least accurate!
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
I most certainly do not need to re-quote what it was you said. You are presuming to be totally accurate, in your supreme findings of autism and shizotypical behaviour when i am afraid, they are not the same, nor does one influence the other. Most of it starts off with mania which can be on many of the spectrums which we see today and i am unsure what you mean i should understand what you're trying to imply in your pm.
All i know is, your findings are not scientifically accurate and mine are. if you had posted the correct link for the correct cause you would have amassed the presice actions debated by you across the whole forum.
For anyone else who wishes to assume me wrong, please check your own findings without trying to ridicule someone elses first in the process of diagnosing yourself without correct theories or ideas. Thank you and happy easter to all of you who want to enjoy the festivities!
That's my ORIGINAL Posting:
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."
That's you quoting me WRONG:
quote from wikipedia:
"There are three forms of brief psychotic disorder: 1. Brief psychotic disorder with a stressor, such as a trauma or death in the family. 2. Brief psychotic disorder without a stressor, there is no obvious stressor. 3. Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset. Usually occurs about four weeks after giving birth."

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
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