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11 Feb 2017, 11:29 am

OCD, which I think has much cross-over with Aspergers.

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12 Feb 2017, 2:15 pm

Lack of communication skills.
Not being able to see/pick up certain signs, reading/understanding people.
Unable to clearly say my perspective; be concise.
High sensitivity, both physical and emotional.
Lacking interests; limited interests.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Mild).
Sensory Overload at times.

Avoidand Personality Disorder (AVPD):
Hypersensitivity to rejection.
Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though the person feels a strong desire for close relationships.
Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus.
Feelings of inadequacy.
Drastically-reduced or absent self-esteem.
Autophobia (Fear of being unliked, unloved, and/or ignored).
Mistrust of others or oneself; exhibits heightened self-doubt.
Highly self-conscious.
Problems in occupational functioning.
Feeling inferior to others.
Uses fantasy as a form of escapism to interrupt painful thoughts.
Highly sensitive to anger and anger-like tone.

Borderline Personality Disorder:
Chronic feeling of emptiness.
Unable or hard to control anger.
Unstable self-image and sense of self.

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Anger outbursts.
Chronic brain fog.
Episode/Event Amnesia (unable to remember when a specific thing happened to me, or explain how it happened, only that it happened).
Easily Overwhelmed.
Chronic Insomnia.
Fear of judgemental, and being taken advantage of.
Fear of neglect, abandonment.
Flashbacks/Intrusive thoughts/memories.
Fear of my future.
Fear of the future in general.

Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD):
Fear of generally not being liked,
General fear that people generally are harbouring bad thoughts about me
Fear of being rejected.

Feeling Empty.
Wishing I had friends to hang out with.
Longing for the past, when times were better.
Longing to be around people that I was around when I was younger.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Mild):
Possibly derived from Autism.
Showing perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project because his or her own overly strict standards are not met).
Certain things have to be a certain way, usually computer related.
Like it used to bother me that people would use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome instead of Firefox.

Extreme jealousy of other girls (being able to be themselves, act like a girl, have girl friend bonds, strong bonds, like BFFs, etc).
Extreme anxiety caused by jealousy of other girls.
I get nauseated, feeling week, hot flashes, and my heart is being ripped out of my chest.
Gender Dysphoria.

Extreme discomfort/uneasiness (Autism/CPTSD).
Chronic cankers sores, presumed to be caused by stress.
Robot-like at times.
Chronic thoughts/addicted to thoughts of disasters, people I know in a disaster, despite I don’t wish that to happen.
Commonly misreading words, at least a few times a week, probably derived from brain fog.
Impulsiveness: Speaking or acting on emotion, rather than logical.
Switching to multiple personality and random times, although I am aware I do it, triggers are unknown.
Feeling ‘intimately’ close to people I have no relationship with, such as a stranger, usually accompanied with feelings as if I really know them or have known them a long time.
Offset body language/expression; causing others to misjudge me, get bad vibes about me.


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22 Mar 2017, 10:27 pm

gender identity disorder
clinical depression

paranoid personality disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
avoidant personality disorder


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31 Mar 2017, 7:54 pm

To all posters - I know it won't help, but fwiw I'm sry to hear of how much you are all suffering.

I wish it were not so. :(

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02 Apr 2017, 10:05 pm

Here we go....
1992? HFA
2005 Asperger's Syndrome
2006 Depressive Disorder-NOS, ODD?
2009 Learning Disorder- NOS
2011 GAD, PTSD
2014 Bipolar disorder
2015 Schizoaffective disorder- depressive type
2016 Personality disorder?, schizoaffective bipolar type
2017 ???


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10 Apr 2017, 10:11 am

Just the Gender Identity Disorder. I only accepted that because the gatekeepers would have kept me from having the surgeries I needed if I didn't comply. I do NOT believe that being transsexual is a sickness, and I as a transgender person am not sick. Homosexuality was a mental illness until comparatively recently, before they realized how wrong that was. I'm convinced transsexuality will follow, this is ridiculous "disorder" will be rightfully forgotten.
Others have tried to pin various tags on me for what I believe to be perfectly understandable behaviour in response to circumstances, and not needing to be pathologized as a disorder or sickness. These included trauma and depression. I don't believe a word of it.
Oh, and apparently alexithymia is some kind of disorder too, but since that is autism-related, I keep that under the autism umbrella.
EDIT - apparently being an ex-alcoholic is also a psychological disorder, if that counts. Does it count if you're sober? Eh.

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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11 Apr 2017, 4:32 am

My lot is easy to take compared to some on here.

ADHD (inattentive type)
GAD (mild)
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Motor Tic Disorder (which I don't think is really a mental illness - it's more neurological/physical).


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18 Apr 2017, 2:24 pm

nephets wrote:
OCD, which I think has much cross-over with Aspergers.

Agreed, I don't think many Aspies do not have OCD as well. The same could be said for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 May 2017, 12:44 am

autism spectrum disorder.
(extremely severe) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
(severe) panic disorder.
(severe) agoraphobia.
(severe) somatic symptom disorder.
(severe in the past) major depressive disorder.
(severe in the past) transient tic disorder.
(severe in the past) excoriation disorder.
attention deficit disorder predominantly inattentive type.
specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics.

obsessive-compulsive disorder has been the most difficult thing for me to cope with. OCD led me to develop panic disorder, agoraphobia, somatic symptom disorder, and transient tic disorder. at one point i was completely unable to leave my house for months due to a nonstop fear of vomiting, a fear that my heart would stop, a fear that i would be killed or that i would kill someone. i was blinking as hard and as fast as i could, all the time, and was always aware of my blinking and breathing. i'd often count my breaths and blinks. i've dealt with OCD and the other aforementioned related disorders since i was at least 6 years old. i still only go outside once every few weeks and leave my house once every few months. i used to be unable to go outside without being dragged by someone as i cried, kicked, and screamed while convulsing and panicking. i genuinely thought i would die if i went outside.

i remember having multiple panic attacks a day while in elementary school because i was so scared of contracting an illness. on my 7th birthday i remember spelling words in my head while moving my tongue from the left of my mouth, to the middle, to the right, while counting. i rearranged things constantly and would always ask for more paper in class to re-write assignments. i was raised in a christian household, and would be brought to tears upon thinking of hell. even just thinking the word 'hell' in my mind was enough to cause me to begin to weep and panic. i struggled with obsessions pertaining to purity, and even now, as someone that's not religious, i still struggle with obsessions of 'purity,' despite there being no religious incentive. i've been picking my skin off since i was a kid, i'd intentionally scrape my knees and scratch myself until i bled so i could have scabs to pick. i pick and bite the skin around my fingernails off. i pick at acne. i pick at everything. it's a lot more under control than it was in the past, but i have 'episodes' every so often during which i pick at my skin for an hour or so.

as i got older, the obsessions and compulsions. became a lot less innocent. when i entered high school, my intrusive thoughts worsened and i began to have uncontrollable images of mangled bodies, rotting vomit, violent suicides, etc. flashing in my mind. i didn't want to think of these things, it was essentially completely uncontrollable, although, at times, i would 'test' myself by intentionally thinking of horrible things to see if i would derive any pleasure from it, to determine whether or not i was a terrible and twisted human being or not. i felt like a disgusting cretin for these thoughts. i feared that i would become a pedophile or a serial killer, despite never having the urge to ever assault or hurt anyone, ever. i fear performing horrible actions because i don't want to perform horrible actions. i think to myself, "well, i may not want to hurt anyone right now, but what if, one day, i suddenly want to hurt someone? what if i snap one day?" it causes me to panic and want to isolate myself from everyone.
i get the urge to do stupid and outlandish things, like jump out of a window, shout obscenities, punch people, stab myself, knock large objects over, pull alarms, etc. it's not an 'urge' as much as an odd realization that i could easily do these things, then i experience a lingering feeling of being on-edge which feels similar to an 'urge,' but i have no actual desire to perform these actions despite that 'urge' being there do perform them.
my biggest fear until i was about 16 was vomit. i was always preoccupied with a fear of emesis. someone would cough and i would immediately begin to fear the worst--"what if they're sick? what if they begin to feel nauseous? what if they vomit? what if their vomiting causes others around me to vomit? what if it causes me to vomit?" i would focus on vomit so much to the point it would cause me to become genuinely nauseous, which made me panic more, which made me more nauseous, ad infinitum. i get scared i have cancer, i get scared of having a heart attack. i fear that my veins will burst open. i refuse to take most medicine, even when i'm terribly, genuinely physically ill, because i fear the side-effects. i fear bugs crawling into my ears as i sleep and eating away at the insides of my head. i used to be terrified of parasites as a child.

as for major depressive disorder, whatever. it's nothing special. i was once actively suicidal for months straight, but now there's just a pervasive heaviness and relentless feeling of worthlessness. suicidal ideation comes and goes in waves but i highly doubt i'll ever kill myself, especially since having experienced the suicide of my cousin, my best friend for my entire life. i don't want to fail him. i wish i could be someone worthy of happiness. it's not that i wish to be happy--to be happy in my situation would render one a fool. so, i do not wish to be happy in spite of my current situation, i wish to be in an entirely different situation in which i could be genuinely happy for good reason.

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21 May 2017, 4:55 am

(Diagnosed) ASD: with no special interest as of yet, Used to be a music buff like I would know all about one artist at a time, I was going through phases, although I do have a strong interest in computers and am more proficient than most general users although I'm no wizard as of yet but I'd like to be, looking into getting into coding/programming of all kinds. Social awkwardness, I usually feel like I'm about to cry when talking to people, my eyes usually water up a bit and it's a struggle to not look at faces as that makes it worse, sometimes I get overwhelmed with the social gestures or facial body language etc; but also get generally sad thinking they will judge me because they might notice me aspergers and start bullying me, so low self esteem. I can be blunt or naive or both. I say things that people apparently "shouldn't" say. (reminds me of Clay-Marzo the surfer!(Aspie) ) Also a part of that I tend to say stuff that makes people angry, I was at a party years ago and I was talking to a girl and some guy said after she left that "Dude, I thought she was gonna punch you out!" And to this day I still do not know why...I have a very low amount of friends due to many of them in the past bullying me and me having to cut them out. Plus I am one of those who is Quality over Quantity atm. Although I probably could be more popular if I felt like I had the energy to play the charade of "The as*hole" or "Mr King s**t" but alas that is not least, not anymore.. I feel other people don't mind at all when I do act mean, maybe they can relate? Or maybe I just amuse them? anyways they were not real friends because when I went back to my old friendly self they dropped off like flies...anyways thats a bitova rant...anways I also apparently according to my psyche I have Black and White thinking, plus this attributes to my schizoaffective disorder where I hallucinate angel and demons (Sometimes) or just think wayy too much about religion and angels/demons (Definately an unhealthy amount)...I used to be a real big talker, not in my youth though I was a mute practically, there is a reason why there is the same "characters" between SILENT and LISTEN..but yeah I find it hard now to recognise the usually un observed "realms of the mute world" but Usually I am a bit too shy and stand offish (which was a bad thing when I had a GF) but usually if I trust someone I would be quite over open to discuss pretty much anything, I enjoy social activities when it is fun or engaging (easy to do accoring to setting or roles) so I'm a closet extrovert...but I do need my down time from social situations as I get socially drained quite easily.

(Diagnosed) Schizo-affective Disorder with Bipolar Traits: I have experienced high mania (hyper/hypo) and low periods of drudging depression, these can last for months at a time and the higher states can last for roughly a month or on other occasions maybe more.

(Undiagnosed) Cyclomania (Is this the right term?): Every end of year I usually end up back in hospital after low states of depersonalization, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations and suicidal/violent thoughts/actions.

(Undiagnosed) Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety (Possibly?),


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26 May 2017, 11:18 pm

ADHD (combined type)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
(and of course Asperger's)

It's weird not to be weird!
"There is no beauty without some strangeness"-Edgar Allen Poe

Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD

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Tufted Titmouse

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01 Jun 2017, 2:03 pm

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (I was diagnosed around 15 or so by my primary care so I'm not sure how much of this was actually true or just being misdiagnosed- that and there were some very stressful circumstances happening at home at the time which weren't being addressed)
Major Depressive Disorder (diagnosed in my early 20's but I likely had it earlier and no one was listening)
PTSD from several traumatic events both in childhood and as an adult. (diagnosed finally about a year and a half ago)

I also have some OCD tendencies and trouble picking at skin and hair when I do get nervous or upset though I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything relating to that. I'm overly sensitive to auditory and some tactile things which makes me suspect SPD but I can't be sure before being evaluated.

Aspie Quiz Results:
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 151 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 64 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
~Unofficially diagnosed but fairly certain based on personal research that I am an Aspie~


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01 Jun 2017, 5:29 pm

Schizophrenia dx 2017

I love diggin' in the dirt
With just a pick and brush
Finding fossils is my aim
So I'm never in a rush


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01 Jun 2017, 5:56 pm

avoidant personality disorder
schizotypal personality disorder
auditory processing disorder
ADHD inattentive subtype
Tourette's syndrome

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04 Jun 2017, 12:02 pm

I have:

Specific learning difficulties
Asperger Syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Tourette Syndrome

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04 Jun 2017, 12:05 pm

I have:

Cerebral visual impairment
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Specific Learning Difficulties
Tourette Syndrome